Title: 雲門舞集舞作資產數位典藏計畫 II
Cloudgate Dance Archives: Digitalization and Preservation II
Authors: 柯皓仁
Keywords: 雲門舞集;數位典藏;林懷民;Cloud Gate;Digital Archives;LIN Hwai-min
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 雲門舞集成立迄今已30餘年,其所創作的舞蹈藝術不僅享譽國際,也早已成為世界級的文化資產。但是舞蹈藝術屬於時間性的表演藝術,一旦表演結束其作品也會隨之消失;除此之外,舞蹈又是綜合性的舞台藝術,它所涉及的藝術創作包括了音樂、服裝、燈光、舞台、道具等等的設計與製作。綜合上述的因素,舞蹈藝術的典藏就成為極為複雜並極具挑戰性的工作;因此,為了有效且系統化地典藏雲門的舞蹈藝術,除了要投入具規模的人力和物力之外,更需要善用現代化的數位科技。 如今,雲門舞集的文獻單位雖已累積了十餘萬件的文獻資料,但礙於有限的人力和物力,卻只能用傳統的方式來保存,遑論運用現代化的資訊技術將之數位化,並發揮其數位資產的價值了。有鑑於此,交通大學為了協助雲門運用數位典藏技術,於是邀請雲門舞集提供其典藏品,在本計畫中建置數位化的雲門文化資產。 延續95年度的計畫,本計畫將從雲門舞集歷年所創作的舞作中,精選出21齣舞作,包含由雲門創辦人林懷民先生親自創作的14齣經典舞作、6齣雲門邀請國際藝術家合作作品、1齣由已逝編舞家伍國柱編舞之舞作作品。對於這21齣舞作,將由雲門挑選最有價值之演出紀錄(影片),以及各舞作的海報、文宣、報導、舞評、節目單、照片、期刊/論文等文獻加以數位化。此外,特別增錄雲門基金會出版品及相關文獻典藏。本年度計畫中數位化的藏品將達4,500件。 除了藏品的數位化之外,藏品後設資料(Metadata)的編目以及雲門數位典藏網站的更新與維護,亦是本年度計畫的重點工作項目。 在95年度計畫以及本年度計畫執行完畢之後,將有42齣雲門舞作共計9,000件重要文物典藏完成數位化(資料量預計達 3TB),雲門舞集數位典藏將可在文化傳承、教育推廣、學術研究、文化創意產值各方面發揮多層面的運用與加值。
This project aims at creating a digital archive for the dances of Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan, an internationally renowned dance theatre. In the second year, a total of twenty-one representative dances are selected, including fourteen dances by the primary choreographer of Cloud Gate, namely LIN Hwai-min; six dances created under the cooperation between Cloud Gate and international choreographer; one dance created by WU Kuo-chu, who passed away in 2006. The photographs, flyers, posters, programs, articles, reviews, and news reports of each of these dances will be digitalized. It is estimated that about 4,500 valuable cultural assets of Cloud Gate will be digitized in this project. In addition, the cataloging of these digitalized cultural assets and the maintenance and update of the Web site of the Cloud Gate Digital Archives are another two primary tasks of this project. After the conduction of the first (NSC95-2422-H-009-001) and second year projects, a total nine thousand (9,000) Cloud Gate's cultural assets, which are selected from 42 dances, will be digitalized. The size of the resultant digital archives will be about 3TB. Exploiting such a huge amount of data, the digital archives of Cloud Gate will have many value-added applications, including culture, education, and research.
Gov't Doc #: NSC96-2422-H009-004
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102962
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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