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dc.description.abstract課程首頁 本課程是由交通大學應用化學系提供。 Group theory provides a systematic mathematical method for describing molecular symmetry. Actually each kind of symmetry corresponds to one of conservation law that is experimentally observable. Properties of a group, symmetry operations and symmetry elements, molecular symmetry groups, representations and characters all are used to describe molecular orbitals, molecular vibrations, selection rules, and so on.zh_TW
dc.description.abstract課程目標/概述 Group theory provides a systematic mathematical method for describing molecular symmetry. Actually each kind of symmetry corresponds to one of conservation law that is experimentally observable. Properties of a group, symmetry operations and symmetry elements, molecular symmetry groups, representations and characters all are used to describe molecular orbitals, molecular vibrations, selection rules, and so on. 課程章節 單元 主題內容 單元一 Introduction 單元二 Definitions and theorems of group theory 單元三 Molecular symmetry and the symmetry groups 單元四 Representations of groups 單元五 Group theory with its applications in quantum chemistry 單元六 Molecular orbital theory with its applications in organic chemistry 單元七 Molecular orbital theory with its applications in inorganic chemistry 單元八 Molecular vibrations 課程書目 Physical Chemistry 3rd edition, Mortimer, 2008. 參考書目 Chemical Applications of Group Theory , Cotton, 3rd , (John Wiley and Sons) 2002. Physical Chemistry,A Molecular Approach, McQuarrie and Simon, 1997. Group theory with applications in chemical physics, Jacobs, 2005. 評分標準 項目 百分比 作業部分:每堂課後均有作業 25% Midterm 35% 期末考 40%zh_TW
dc.titleGroup Theory for Chemistryen_US
dc.typeDigital Coursesen_US
dc.contributor.departmentOpen Education Officeen_US
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