Title: 入口/出口:當我走入綠色奇幻世界
Entrance/Exit: When I Walked Into a Magic Green World
Authors: 蘇勻
Su, Yun
Lai, Wen-Shu
Keywords: 植物;奇幻;回憶;想像;夢;Plants;Fantasy;Memories;Imaginations;Dreams
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本論文為筆者畢業創作《奇幻小路》的創作自述。由探尋創作動機為始,並整理過去作品脈絡,發現自己不斷被大自然的神祕所牽引,進而促成一段與自然的奇遇記。在凝神關注自然的當下,彷彿進入一處祕境,聆聽寂靜的聲音,喚醒內在的力量。《奇幻小路》系列插畫作品為筆者在卑爾根(Bergen)散步時的一段林道小路,日夜沉積後勾織出想像與回憶,描繪出不同心境下對植物的想望。當深入自然之時,猶如通往秘密的閘口,思緒回復平靜後最終返回原點。
This thesis accounts for my graduate works “Fall into a Magic Green World”. While seeking for my purpose and motivation, I realized my fascination for the endless beauty and wonders of nature. A new perspective came to my consciousness, because I was able to see the unseen, that hidden beauty and grace in the world of plants. Looking more closely, not only with my eyes, but with my whole mind open, nature revealed secret features my eyes had never been able to see. My “Fall into a Magic Green World” drawings represents my memories and thoughts from walking down a forest path in Bergen, mixed with my imagination. For me, my works is the expression, materialization, of the special bond I have felt with nature. She has been generous and guided me to her hidden world, and in this journey, she has made me slow down; giving my soul some peace in my hectic modern life.
Appears in Collections:Thesis