Title: 台灣醫學中心品牌忠誠度之研究-以病患觀點
Investigating the brand loyalty of patients to medical centers in Taiwan
Authors: 趙竑丞
Chao, Hung-Cheng
Hung, Chih-Young
Lee, Zon-Yau
Keywords: 病患健康知識水平;轉換成本;知覺品質;品牌忠誠度;醫學中心;結構方程;knowledge level of patients;transition cost;perceived quality;brand loyalty;medical centers;structural equation modeling
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本研究主要探討影響病患對於醫學中心品牌忠誠度之因素,根據國內外影響品牌忠誠度之相關文獻,結合醫療產業之特性,提出七個因素來做為研究模型。應用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM),探討這些因素對於病患選擇醫學中心時品牌忠誠度的影響,以期能提供給醫療服務相關產業在行銷上參考。本研究受測對象為曾經至醫學中心就診之台灣地區病患為主,形式以電子問卷以及紙本實際至各醫學中心發放填寫,共計發放483份問卷,有效問卷為411份。研究顯示:(1) 轉換成本對顧客滿意度為負向影響;(2) 病患健康知識水平對品牌忠誠度有正向直接影響;(3) 病患知覺品質的間接影響力比轉換成本來的高;(4) 品牌信任與顧客滿意度對品牌忠誠度有顯著正向影響。此外,病患知識水平對知覺品質存在非線性凹口曲線關係(concave),顯示知識水平較高與較低的族群對於醫療的知覺品質感受較佳,而中段知識水平病患通常有較低的知覺品質感受,這是個有趣的現象並值得未來進一步探究。
The arrival of aging society and the highly covering rate of national health insurance has made Taiwan’s medical service market into the era of red sea. The aim of this study is to provide a reliable model using structural equation modeling (SEM) method to analyze the patients’ loyalty behavior while having services provide by medical centers in Taiwan. We focus on the health knowledge level of patients, combined with other significant factors such as transition cost, perceived quality, brand trust, risk perception and customer satisfaction, trying to clarify the relationship between critical factors. The result showed that: (1) transition cost has negative effect on customer satisfaction; (2) the health knowledge level of patients is directly proportional to brand loyalty; (3) perceived quality has more indirect effect than transition cost on brand loyalty; (4) brand trust and customer satisfaction both have signification positive effects on brand loyalty. Moreover, the higher and lower segment of health knowledge level both showed better perceived quality, while the patient in the middle part tend to have poor perceived quality. Such interesting phenomena has not been discussed before, and such relationship is recommended to have further study in the future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis