Title: 從「區位理論」探討線上新聞平台─Yahoo!奇摩、Facebook與LINE─之間的情形
A Niche Analysis on the Competition among Yahoo, Facebook,and LINE: a Study on Taiwan's News Platforms
Authors: 詹子君
Chan, Tzu-Chun
Li, Shu-Chu
Keywords: 區位理論;市場競爭;Yahoo!奇摩;Facebook;LINE;線上新聞平台;Niche theory;Market competition;Yahoo;Facebook;LINE;Online news platforms
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 隨著數位多媒體的發展,閱聽眾閱讀新聞的習慣,逐漸從報紙轉向網路,數位新聞規模以及增長的速度均不容小覷。本研究以區位理論檢視數位新聞市場內,Yahoo!奇摩、Facebook與LINE等三種線上新聞平台彼此之間的競爭情形。藉由網路問卷調查法,本研究共得到410份有效樣本,透過區位寬度、區位重疊度以及區位優勢等三項指標,分析受試者對於三種線上平台於新聞服務的滿足獲得。 本研究共得出三項結論:(1)依據區位寬度分析結果,Facebook與Yahoo!奇摩皆屬於通才型媒體,而LINE為專才型媒體。(2)根據三種線上新聞平台的區位重疊度以及區位優勢的結果顯示,Yahoo!奇摩與Facebook競爭程度雖然激烈,但是彼此難分軒輊;Yahoo!奇摩與LINE則屬於互補關係;Facebook與LINE屬於競爭性取代關係,其中,Facebook最可能在數位新聞市場內取代LINE。(3)本研究藉由廣告收益與媒體內容結果顯示,Facebook在線上新聞服務方面最具優勢,而LINE則殿後。
This study adopted the niche theory as the theoretical framework to investigate the competition among three types of Taiwan’s online news platforms: Yahoo, Facebook, and LINE. An online survey was used to collect data for this study and 410 valid questionnaires were obtained. The data analysis shows that there is a strong competition between Yahoo and Facebook, both of which occupied better positions in terms of niche breadth than LINE. According to the data from niche superiority, this study found that the competition between Yahoo and Facebook was the strongest, while Yahoo and LINE were more complementary than competing. More findings were discussed in the thesis.
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