Title: 全球在地辯證、東西文化交雜:旅遊節目【瘋台灣】的文化分析
Between the Global/West and the Local/East: A Cultural Analysis of 'Fun Taiwan'
Authors: 李庭蕙
Li, Ting-Hui
Wei, Ti
Keywords: 全球在地化;文化中介者;觀光凝視;瘋台灣;Glocalization;Cultural Intermediary;Tourist Gaze;Fun Taiwan
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本文以個案【瘋台灣】為研究出發點,【瘋台灣】乃是TLC頻道下的一個旅遊節目,以介紹台灣在地人文特色與旅遊景觀為主。【瘋台灣】作為一個全球性的跨國媒體集團之影視產品,宣稱對台灣形象進行再現,並透過美籍台裔的主持人Janet其旅遊經驗和過程,建構出台灣的樣貌。 本研究利用文本分析法,結合產製面向的討論,理解【瘋台灣】如何再現台灣形象。由於【瘋台灣】自2004年開播至今,節目歷時長達十年以上,從中得以掌握全球勢力與在地單位的動態關係。尤其在後續的節目製作上,台灣觀光局多次與之合作,顯示出國家機器嘗試透過節目重新取回詮釋台灣形象的權力。藉由節目生產脈絡,瞭解由外而內地全球在地化策略,以及逆向地在地邁向全球化之歷程。 在文本內容方面,運用MacCannell的「前/後台理論」與Urry「觀光凝視」兩個概念為主,探析節目策略背後經常備而未論權力關係,即意識形態層面的討論。此外,文本另一關鍵為美籍台裔的Janet,由於個人身分認同和語言使用的特殊性,促成其成功地扮演一名文化中介者,讓來自TLC的【瘋台灣】不僅是個外來節目,同時與台灣在地進行銜接。 研究結果發現,節目文本在不同的產製階段有不同的再現結果。初期,Discovery由外而內地對台灣進行再現,實則是西方與台灣主流族群共同協商下,共同打造出的台灣形象。不過,節目與觀光局合作後,在地全球化的過程中,在地反而轉為客體,並以西方旅遊者的觀光凝視再現出台灣形象,換言之,在地全球化過程看似擁有再現主權,實際上文本透露的卻是滿足於國際,或具體而言是西方的凝視下的台灣形象。
This article focuses on travel program ‘Fun Taiwan’. It introduces Taiwan’s local characteristics and tourist sites. ‘Fun Taiwan’ is a series program from global transnational media corporation Discovery Communication, Inc. As a foreign corporation, it claims to represent Taiwan with presenter Janet who is an American Born Taiwanese. Through ‘Fun Taiwan’, the corporation fulfills its glocalization strategy. As time goes by, the local state apparatus tries to retrieve the power of interpreting Taiwan. With the cooperation with the global, the local can promote Taiwan image to the international. We use narrative analysis to study the image of Taiwan in the show. In order to understand the representation of Taiwan in each travel, this article uses MacCannell’s notion of “frontstage/backstage” and “tourist gaze” from Urry. Also, we figure out how Janet, as a cultural intermediary, connects the global and local culture. The study finds that in different phases of the show construct different Taiwan image. At first, Taiwan image constructs from a foreign perspective with Taiwan mainstream group. The local (Taiwan Tourism Bureau) involves in the show with ample funds. However, Taiwan image is represented by Western tourist gaze. In other words, even though the local has power involving the show, it still has to follow what the global or more specifically the west think about Taiwan and represent under their imagination.
Appears in Collections:Thesis