Title: Lotka-Volterra模型於台資銀行大陸分行營收分析
Analyzing Operational Revenues of Taiwanese Banks in China by the Lotka-Volterra Model
Authors: 莊仕文
Keywords: Lotka-Volterra 模型;金融;均衡;精確度;中國;Lotka-Volterra model;Banking;Equilibrium;Forecast Accuracy;China
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本研究係以Lotka-Volterra模型探討台資銀行赴大陸投資發展策略,比較官股銀行以及非官股銀行至大陸投資的動態競合關係。其中官股銀行定義有至大陸設分行且曾為台灣政府百分之百持股之銀行,其餘定義為非官股銀行。本研究係以台資銀行赴中國大陸設立分行之利息收入以及手續費收入測試官股銀行以及非關股銀行使否存在著競爭或獵食與獵物者的關係,並且對於官股以及非官股銀行預測未來關係是否存在著均衡,最後,除了本研究所提出的Lotka-Volterra模型進行預測,還會運用Bass模型進行預測,且比較兩模型何者較能精確的預測台資銀行赴中國大陸投資。
This study employs Lotka-Volterra model to analyze the competitive operational relations of Chinese branches between government-owned-banks and non-government-owned-banks. Two pairs of Lotka-Volterra equations are estimated in this work. One pair is the interest revenues of government-owned-banks and non-government-owned-banks. The other pair is the commission revenues of government-owned-banks and non-government-owned-banks from the Chinese branches of Taiwanese Banks.
The estimation parameter result shows that the interest revenues from government-owned-banks will enhance those of non-government-owned-banks. This implies that the early entry of Taiwanese government-owned-banks into the mainland China. After government-owned-banks set up branches in China and offer loans to receive interest revenues, non-government-owned-banks follow government-owned-banks to set up branches in China and earn interest revenues. On the other hand, the results of parameter estimation show the commission revenues of government-owned-bank enhance the commission revenues of non-government-owned-bank, and vice versa. Regarding model’s forecast accuracy, the Lotka-Volterra model is more accurate than the Bass model in predicting interest revenues and commission revenues. In the long run, both the interest and commission revenues of government-owned-banks and non-government-owned-banks will reach a stable equilibrium. This study contributes to Taiwan’s and China’s governments the effective methods to measure the competition and cooperation in banking industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis