Title: 臺灣雲端伺服器產業競爭策略分析 -以S公司白牌市場發展策略為例
A study on the competitive strategy of Cloud Server industry in Taiwan - A Case study of S company
Authors: 陳民晃
Chen, Ming-Huang
Yu, MinTeh
Keywords: 競爭策略;伺服器;供應鏈;五力分析;專家問卷;Competitive strategy;Cloud Server industry;Five Force Analysis;SWOT Analysis;Expert Questionnaire
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本文主要聚焦在雲端伺服器的白牌伺服器市場的新興產業趨勢,探討如何以競爭優勢理論分析伺服器設計公司在產業劇烈競爭之中,洞悉產業趨勢並發現自身的競爭優勢及在產業鏈中所處的戰略地位,並據此調整公司的競爭策略。研究中發現雲端伺服器的白牌伺服器市場的產品及商業模式的新趨勢,更證明了市場的變動總是依循著客戶未被滿足的需求而改變,而產業的競爭優勢永遠是必須以更快的速度、更低的成本及提高客戶的整體經濟效益前進。本研究由產業鏈中業者的互動關聯性出發,在五力分析及SWOT分析理論架構下作討論,試圖探討臺灣雲端伺服器設計服務業者之優勢、劣勢、機會及威脅與競爭策略之關係,並藉由五力分析及SWOT分析理論架構找出影響業者成功的關鍵因素,並藉此提供相關業者在研擬所處產業中的競爭策略上有決策上的理論分析依據,經訪談伺服器產業鏈及個案公司的中高階經理人,交互實證的分析結果大致符合本研究之推論。最後就本研究之重要觀察與結論,及其對理論的實施與驗證,提出研究建議。
This study focuses on the competitive strategy of Cloud server market in Taiwan and adopts the competitive advantage theory to analyze the industrial trend and understand the competitive advantage of S company and its position in the value chain of industry. The results are to adjust the company's competitive strategy are also the major target of this study. The study shows the cloud server products and the new trends of the server market business model. The changes and opportunities in the market are always following the unsatisfied needs of customers. The competitive advantage of industry must be at a higher speed and a lower cost towards satisfying of customer needs. The study bases on the interactions between key players in the value chain of industry. The theoretical framework of Porter’s five forces analysis and Weihrich’s SWOT analysis are used to discuss with experts on the competitive advantages of server leading company in perspective of advantages、weaknesses 、opportunities and threats and what competitive strategies are being adopt in the era of cloud , and to identify the key success factors of the S company . This research also provides strategic suggestions to potential owned-brand companies. At the end, the research proposes several specific recommendations to the Taiwan server vendors.
Appears in Collections:Thesis