Title: W公司在臺灣之太陽能源成長策略探討
Solar Energy Growth Strategies In Taiwan
Authors: 陳思豪
Chen, Sih-Hao
Chen, An-Pin
Keywords: 太陽能產業;躉購電價機制;SWOT分析;solar energy;Feed-in-Tariff;SWOT
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 石油一直被認定是最重要的資源,而石油的出產國更被認定為最富有的國家;但是石油的生成,並非是透過人為或機器便可以無限量的生產,它必需是蘊含在地面下數千公里,及耗費幾千萬年的時間才會形成的一項寶貴資源。但是隨著人類不斷的開採、取用,地球上的石油蘊含量已逐漸的減少,為了解決石油耗竭的難題,科學家不斷地尋找其他的替代品,以解決將來可能會發生的問題;而太陽能便是近年來科學家發現的最寶貴資源,運用科技把太陽的熱能轉換成光能、電能,成功地為人類開闢了另一項資源。在現行所有綠能產業就屬太陽能產業規模最受人矚目及重視,,使太陽能產業開始蓬勃發展。但自2009年太陽能市場發生供給超越需求,,產生產品價格下跌的趨勢,,從原本獲利不錯的市場,,而變成一個營收快速成長但獲利下滑的市場,,因此產業中弱勢業者不是被購併就是倒閉,,而有能力生存下來的太陽能廠商則將面臨毛利下滑的經營壓力。本論文以太陽能系統公司作為案例,,剖析W公司,,從草創期發展到成長穩定期,,其中在每一階段所具有的特色及面臨的挑戰,,透過許多經營決策上問題的提出,,讓管理階層人員及學弟妹研究思考,,並鼓勵可進而延伸以SWOT分析及決策點案例探討的方法來提出新的思維方向與策略探討,,面對臺灣本土太陽能大廠以及外來中國或亞洲企業的雙面競爭夾擊下,,W公司在有限生產硬體條件下如何創造能源諮詢、財務貸款、設備建置等全方位服務,,建立了太陽能產業創新市場開發模式,,找出在臺灣太陽能市場生存及業務拓展的因應策略,,並最終獲得市場的成功。本論文以案例探討論述的方式,,現身說法並期望能拋磚引玉帶動以自身太陽能產業創業經驗,,提供在EMBA課程上有效的經驗案例,,藉此學術及產業成功的結合,,以提升學術界的競爭力。
People enjoy the convenience of modern civilization by consuming fossil fuel that will be exhausted on day. Therefore,, most of the countries are thriving to develop alternative energy that could also protect the environment. Solar power,, also one type of green energy,, is one of the most important projects that governments focus. Among current green energy industries,, the scope of the photovoltaic solar industry received high attention and was regarded the most important. In year 2009,, solar industry product supply exceeded the market demands,, and started a trend of price cuts. This would transform the solar energy market from a previously high profit market; into fast revenue growing but profit diminishing market,, as a result,, PV business enterprises found enhancing difficulty of obtaining profit margins. In other words,, the weaker players in the market would either be merged or go out of business,, whereas those that were able to survive would face the operation pressures of falling margins. Analysis of precision successful company,, developed from the embryonic period to period of growth and stability,, which has the characteristics of each phase and the challenges. Domestic universities expect students of EMBA program to pass down the real career experiences to junior students for reference. Besides,, through solar energy industry entrepreneurial experience to provide the experience of cases in the EMBA program,, would like to take this successful combination of academic and industry to enhance the competitiveness of the academia.
Appears in Collections:Thesis