Title: 台灣中小企業人力資源管理現況分析研究
An Analysis of the Current Issues in Human Resource Management to the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Taiwan
Authors: 王博弘
Wang, Po-Hung
Huang, Shih-ping
Keywords: 中小企業;台灣;人力資源管理;文獻;框架;質性;量性;比較;small and medium-sized enterprises, , , ,;human resource management;Taiwan;comparison;literature;quantitative;qualitative;framework
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 中小企業在整體台灣經濟結構中扮演重要的角色,是為一個國家經濟增長及發展的重要指標。其中一項影響中小企業成長的因素則為人力資源管理的執行與實施。在資源相當有限的情況下,中小企業大都採行非正式的人力資源管理作業,以提高效率及執行率。然而在非正式的管理方式,很容易產生資源分配不均的問題阻礙組織發展。許多相關文獻已證明中小企業與大企業人力資源管理模式的差異性及相關性。此研究的主要目的是,為台灣中小企業尋找人力資源管理的解決框架,為個別企業檢視所有流程,並使其能設計出最適合企業的管理模式。此研究主要基於政府機構所獲取的統計數據,並應用質性研究論文及量性研究論文進行比較分析,以引出一個可靠及具有價值的研究結果。此外,本論文也導入相關實驗證實的實例模型,協助台灣中小企業審視自己的人力資源管理實踐框架。
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) possesses a significant proportion of the entire economic structure, which has been playing a critical role for a nation’s economic growth and progress. One of the key factors that affects significantly an enterprise development is human resource management (HRM) practices. Because of the resources poverty, most SMEs adopt informal HRM method, however, that may cause resources allocation inequality to obstruct the enterprises development. Thus, the research is aimed at discovering the HRM solutions and practices that are appropriately adopted by SMEs in Taiwan. By processing comparison among literatures to prove contexture difference between SMEs and large enterprises that must exploit distinct approaches of HRM, not only for SMEs but for government policies as well. The research analyzes mainly based on the quantitative statistical data retrieved from government agencies, and apply both of empirical evidences found in qualitative research papers and statistical evidences found in quantitative papers for conducting the analysis to elicit a reliable and valuable results for reference. In addition, the research has also introduced theoretical frameworks that provide a great process that assists Taiwanese SMEs to examine their HRM practices.
Appears in Collections:Thesis