Title: 僑外生之人格特質與跨文化經驗對海外適應之影響:自我效能的中介作用
The Effects of International Students’ Big Five Personality Traits and Cross-cultural Experiences on Overseas Adjustment: The Mediation of Self-efficacy
Authors: 吳愛貞
Ngo, Ai-Trinh
Wang, Yau-De
Chen, Pei-Hua
Keywords: 僑外生;人格特質;海外適應;跨文化經驗;自我效能;International Students;Big Five Personality Traits;Overseas Adjustment;Cross-cultural Experiences;Self-efficacy
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本研究在探討僑外生的五大人格特質(外向性、親和性、嚴謹性、神經質性、開放性)與跨文化經驗對於海外適應(一般適應、互動適應、學習適應)之影響並探討自我效能對此影響之間是否有中介效果。本研究以僑外生來臺就讀其間為對象收集問卷資料,有效回收樣本共計326份,以統計軟體SPSS18.0進行實證分析。研究結果顯示僑外生五大人格特質(外向性、親和性、嚴謹性、開放性)對海外適應(一般適應、互動適應、學習適應)有正向關係,而僑外生五大人格特質的神經質性對海外適應(一般適應、互動適應、學習適應)有負向關係。結果也顯示跨文化經驗對於海外適應(一般適應、學習適應)沒有顯著影響,而跨文化經驗對於海外適應的互動適應具有顯著影響。另外,自我效能在五大人格特質(外向性、親和性、嚴謹性、神經質性、開放性)與海外適應(一般適應、互動適應、學習適應)之間具中介效果以及自我效能在跨文化經驗與海外適應的互動適應之間具中介效果,但是自我效能在跨文化經驗與海外適應(一般適應、學習適應)之間並沒有中介效果。最後本研究對於此結果進行詳細討論。
This study was aimed at exploring the effects of Big Five personality traits (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness) of international students and their cross-cultural experiences on their overseas adjustment (general adjustment, interaction adjustment and learning adjustment) using their self-efficacy as a mediating factor of the effects. A sample of 326 subjects was collected from international students who were studying in Taiwan. A survey questionnaire was used to collect data. The results showed that the international students’ Big Five personality traits had a positive influence on their overseas general, interactional, and learning adjustment. However, the personality trait of neuroticism in the students had a negative influence on the above three types of adjustment. The results also showed that there was no significant effect from the cross-cultural experiences on the general and the learning adjustment. But there was a positive effect from the experiences on the interaction adjustment. In addition, self-efficacy had a mediating effect on the relationships between the Big Five personality traits and the three types of adjustment. Self-efficacy also mediated the effect of cross-cultural experiences on the interaction adjustment. Finally, based on the above findings, we proposed managerial suggestions and directions for future research.
Appears in Collections:Thesis