Title: 動態式概念圖結合即時回饋系統對國小學生學習動機與學習成效之影響:以反釣魚課程為例
The Effects of Integrating Dynamic Concept Maps with IRS on Elementary School Students’ Motivation and Learning Outcome: The Case of Anti-Phishing Education
Authors: 陳俞蓁
Chen, Ariel Yu-Zhen
Sun, Jerry Chih-Yuan
Keywords: 動態式概念圖;概念圖;即時回饋系統;學習動機;dynamic concept maps;concept maps;Interactive Response System;learning motivation
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本研究之研究目的為瞭解使用動態式概念圖結合即時回饋系統之教學策略對於小學生的學習動機與反釣魚學習成效之影響,實驗樣本為130位小學五年級學生,並將其分別指派至控制組 (傳統圖文)、實驗組I (靜態式概念圖)與實驗組II (動態式概念圖)三組來進行實驗,使用的研究工具包含MSLQ (the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire)中的自我效能量表與內在價值量表、反釣魚學習成就測驗及開放式問卷,其中開放式問卷主要用來瞭解學習者的學習感受。研究結果顯示,在反釣魚課程中使用動態式概念圖結合即時回饋系統能顯著提升課前自我效能較高的學習者的學習自我效能,若學習者的課前自我效能較低,則使用傳統圖文結合即時回饋系統能顯著提升其學習自我效能。另外,在整體學習動機與內在價值上,三組學習者無顯著差異;在學習成就部分,動態式概念圖組的得分表現顯著比傳統圖文組佳。本研究表明,在課堂上使用動態式概念圖結合即時回饋系統能對學習成效產生正面的影響,而在執行此種教學策略時,應考量學習者的課前自我效能高低。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of integrating dynamic concept maps with IRS on elementary school students’ motivation and anti-phishing learning outcome. This study employed the quasi-experimental design. A total of 130 fifth-grade students participated in this study, divided into three groups: a control group (traditional image-text), an experimental group I (static concept maps), and an experimental group II (dynamic concept maps). The instruments included the MSLQ (the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire), consisting of self-efficacy and intrinsic value, and the anti-phishing learning achievement test. The open-ended questions were also conducted to understand students’ feeling in the learning environment. The results showed that the use of dynamic concept maps with IRS during the anti-phishing education significantly enhanced the students’ learning self-efficacy when their initial self-efficacy was already high. For learners with low initial self-efficacy, the use of traditional image-text with IRS could increase their posttest self-efficacy. In addition, no significant differences in learners' overall motivation and its sub-construct of intrinsic value were found among the three groups, but learners' achievement in the group of dynamic concept maps was significantly higher than that in the group of traditional image-text style. This study suggests that the use of dynamic concept maps with IRS in the classroom have a positive impact during the learning process. In addition, when implementing such strategies, it is important to consider students’ initial self-efficacy.
Appears in Collections:Thesis