标题: 从社造到社运: 美里庄环境保育联盟反118关西外环道事件研究
From Community Empowerment to Social Movement: Mei Li Zhuang Environmental Protection Union A research on protest to Guanxi No.118 Bypass Routes
作者: 陈玉蟾
关键字: 关西;外环道;社会运动;美里庄;Guanxi;bypass routes;social movement;Mei-Li-Zhuang
公开日期: 2015
摘要: 位于新竹县东北隅的关西镇地形地貌多样,是属于“内山开发”的客家小镇。新竹县第二大河凤山溪流经街区南边,此区凤山溪河谷冲积平原经客家先民荜路蓝缕辛勤拓垦,成为最肥沃大面积的美丽田园,并有丰富的客家文化地景。
Guanxi Township, which is located northeast of Hsinchu county has a variety of different landscapes, and is also a near-mountain developed small Hakka town. Feng-Shan Creek, the second-biggest river of Hsinchu County streams through the south side of Guanxi downtown, and had formed a rich alluvial plain. Over the years, the Hakka ancestors had worked very hard and build a large and beautiful rice field with abundant Hakka landscapes and views.
The Hsinchu county government had planned to build the Guanxi No. 118 Bypass Routes on the Feng-Shan Creek alluvial plain in order to improve the traffic situation. Mei-Li-Zhuang Environmental Protection Union (MLZEPU) believed that this construction would cost a lot and benefit little, and would cause irreversible negative impacts on the high quality rice field, beautiful views and cultural landscapes in Guanxi. Therefore, the union had appealed to the government to stop the construction and taken civil action. After two years of protest, the No. 118 Bypass Routes construction had been shelved.
The author had paid attention on the bypass routes construction case during the past four years and had called, organized and participated the movement during the past two years with spirit of an activist. Thus, this thesis is firstly an organization and reflection of the activist, and secondly an attempt to analyze and understand the movement with Taiwanese and Western social movement theories.
This thesis proposes three arguments: (1) Guanxi citizens have very different opinions and visions on the direction of future development of this small town, and the protest has simply reflected the difference; (2) The seeming “victory” of MLZEPU was in fact gained by politicians’ strategic moves based on reality; (3) the movement would have been much easier if MLZEPU took the civil participation approach instead of social movement approach; the movement was against the developmental or constructive view and therefore was difficult for most citizens (who are usually all for development) to identify or support.