Title: 學術研發成果創業:以台灣科技部研發成果萌芽計畫為例
Faculty Entrepreneurship: A Comparison between MOST Germination Program and NSF Innovation Corps
Authors: 單紹岡
Shan, Shao-Kang
Huang, Shih-Ping
Keywords: 學術研發成果創業;研發成果萌芽計畫;制度化萌芽程序;技術商業化;NSF I-Corps;校園創業課程;MOST Germination Program;Faculty entrepreneurship;Entrepreneurship education;Technology commercialization;Systematic Germination Procedure;NSF I-Corps
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 在2005年,來自產官學研19名頂尖的委員們,在行政院第25次科技顧問會議中,一致認同台灣需要推行一個國家型計畫來確保我國的國際競爭力。科技部並於2011年推行了「研發成果萌芽計畫」,致力於發掘實驗室中具有商業潛能的創新技術,賦予學術研發商業價值。大學與研究機構的角色,也從純學術研究轉為發掘其研發成果背後的經濟價值。而「研發成果萌芽計畫」的目標,就是制定一個「制度化萌芽程序」,在技術商業化的路程中協助這些研究機構,以及推動校園創業風氣。 本研究透過文獻回顧、深度訪談、與美國NSF I-Corps的個案比較、和從第一線觀察國立交通大萌芽功能中心的運作,來分析與檢視此計畫之架構與運作,並提出有效改善建議。本研究的主要發現包括:(1) 近年來校園和研究機構學術創業風氣的不斷提升,並(2)揭露萌芽功能中心的四階層的「制度化萌芽程序」(包含:技術探勘、Prima Facie Case, Pro Forma Business Plan, 和執行),來協助想將其技術商業化的科學家和工程師們。另外,透過本研究揭露此計畫所面臨的問題,包括:缺乏實作與互動性的創業課程、KPI的制定、適當的獎勵制度等問題,都值得做更深入的研究與探討。
With the unanimous agreement by the brightest minds in Taiwan at the meeting of Board of Science and Technology Council, a national program to secure Taiwan’s national competitiveness is urgently needed. In 2011, the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of Taiwan launched a faculty entrepreneurship program called the “Germination Program” in search of commercial value of existing academic research, bringing science to marketplace. The role of universities and research institutes has now shifted from purely research oriented to the discovery of the economic value behind it. The main objective of the Germination Program is to build a systematic framework to commercialize these research outcomes and to promote on campus entrepreneurship. Through literature review, in-depth interview, comparative study against the National Science Foundation Innovation Corps (NSF I-Corps) program in the U.S.A., and on site observation of one of the Germination Centers located in National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, the operation and commercialization framework of the program is revealed and analyzed. The major findings include (1) the growing entrepreneurial emphasis and mindset in universities and research institutions and (2) the four-stage Systematic Germination Procedure (Prospecting, Prima Facie Case, Pro Forma Business Plan, and Execution) that is used for the commercialization of research outcomes. The major problems include the lack of a hands-on entrepreneurship education for research teams, the shortage of existing literature and public transparency of the program, the issue of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) setting, and an appropriate incentive program for project managers and local Germination Centers.
Appears in Collections:Thesis