Title: 健身運動器材開發替代能源對健身俱樂部產業的展望
Prospect of Alternative Energy Exploitation by Fitness Equipment for Health Club Industry
Authors: 鄭錫川
Cheng, Hsi-Chuan
Diau, Wei-Guang
Keywords: 綠色電源技術;再生能源;健身俱樂部;健身運動;健身車發電機;Green Power Technology;Renewable Energy;Health Club;Fitness;Bike Generator
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 今日油、電俱漲,所有能源的價格皆呈現長期上漲趨勢,而能源之消耗量要回復像過去廉價能源的時代已成為不可能的事。在資源有限的條件下,開發替代能源等於節省成本開銷,降低能源消耗等於保護地球。 隨生活水準提升,一般民眾願意付出更多成本以維持身體健康,但受限於擁擠的都市空間,加上現代人閒暇時間零碎,利用健身俱樂部進行運動,已成為大多工作繁忙的上班族的一個共同平衡選項。 如果健身俱樂部能結合運動健身及環保節能減碳的訴求,經濟規模地採用近來發展的綠能健身運動器材來開發替代能源,即可吸引更多愛好環保的顧客來使用健身中心,形成差異化而幫助企業成長甚至降低能源使用。
As era of the cheap energy has become history and the consumption of natural resource keeps growing, it would be wise to conduct more actions to achieve the goal of environment protection of saving energy and reduce the carbon dioxide. People are more willing to paying higher to maintain good physical condition along with the growth of living standards. However the free time and space for people living a modern city is very limited so going to the health club (fitness gym) is a good substituted option. If gyms can take good advantage of the popular issue of environment protection of saving energy and reduce the carbon dioxide, and broadly adopt fitness equipment that generates electricity, there could be more clients who have a favor for this major trend. Not just being able to differentiate the enterprise itself, the operation cost could be reduced as well.
Appears in Collections:Thesis