Title: 工作壓力來源與因應策略對離職意圖之關聯性研究:以台灣和印尼金融業為例
The Relationship among Stressors, Coping Strategies, and Turnover Intention: A Case of Banking Industry in Taiwan and Indonesia
Authors: 張家華
Mahatma, Ferdinandus
Lin, Chieh-Peng
Keywords: 工作壓力來源;因應策略;離職意圖;銀行員工;Work stressors;Coping strategies;Turnover intention;Bank employees
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 台灣金融市場呈現過多銀行家數現象;多樣化之金融商品,以及導因顧客、同事、上司、管理部門、文書處理、長時間操作電腦、員工訓練及績效考察等壓力事件,將會造成超時的工作,形成過度的工作壓力,影響員工身心健康;對組織而言,員工士氣的低落將會影響營運效率,反映在公司營收及獲利。如今,金管會積極推動並宣傳台灣金融產業「打亞洲盃」的口號,台灣大型銀行開始重視印尼市場。基於這樣的背景,本研究欲探討台灣、印尼兩國銀行業的員工如何面對壓力,並探討其所運用的因應壓力方式對離職意圖的影響。
There is overbanking phenomenon on Taiwanese banking industry; diversification of financial products and stressful event caused by customers, colleagues, superior, paperwork, long-term use of computer, employee training and performance appraisal could lead to work overtime, thus resulting in work stress that affect employee’s mental and physical health. In the eyes of organization, employee’s low morale could perturb operation efficiency, thus reflects on company’s revenue and earnings. Recently, Financial Supervisory Commission of Taiwan conduct a vigorous drive to banking industry to Asian market expansion, Taiwanese leading banks therefore begin to consider Indonesia market to be very important. Based on this background, this study proposes a research model to examine how Taiwanese and Indonesian employees in banking industry cope with stress as well as the effects of Mental Disengagement (MD) and Positive Reinterpretation and Growth (PRG) on Turnover Intention (TI).
In this research, we sample Taiwanese and Indonesian employees in banking industry through questionnaire, with 356 valid questionnaires were returned. Using Structural Equation Modeling to analyse the samples, we found that: (1) Employee’s MD is positively related to TI. (2) PRG is negatively related to TI. (3) Fear of failure (FF) is positively related to MD, but FF is not significant predictor of TI. Thus, the findings confirm the mediating role of MD. (4) Competitive Pressure (CP) is positively related to MD. (5) FF is positively related to MD. (6) CP is negatively related to PRG. (7) Negative working mood has a positive moderating effect on the relationship between CP and MD. (8) Country as moderator effect, which means FF and PRG negative relationship is much stronger for Taiwanese than for Indonesian employees. (9) It also indicates CP and PRG negative relationship is much stronger for Indonesian than for Taiwanese workers. At last, implications for theory and practice are discussed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis