Title: 科技政策比較分析之研究-以台灣與日本為例
Comparative Analysis of Science & Technology Policy in Taiwan and Japan
Authors: 柯心卉
Keywords: 科技政策;科技政策演化;科技政策組織體系;科技發展資源及成果;S&T policy;technology policy evolution;the system of S&T policy institutions;S&T development resources and results
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 科技發展是促進經濟發展,引領國家邁向現代化的重要因素。科技快速進步與全球化互動趨勢引發了人類對生存危機的隱憂,而開放的國際合作創新模式更是各國國家發展政策不可或缺的主軸。生態環境、社會發展、產業發展、人才培育以及科技創新等5個多元面向的問題,是我國當前亟須正視的重大挑戰。近年來,台灣產官學研各界不斷地發掘與討論,已經加速了相關政策的形成,政府致力於推動政府科技組織再造提高行政效能、加速科技創新研發與科技資源的有效配置、培育優質人力、重視學術研究品質、支持研發活動與環境的改善、鼓勵企業投入研發、強化國際交流合作等,期望開創台灣智慧生活新型態,並帶動新一波經濟成長,在全球科技創新網絡繼續占據有利地位。 本文以臺灣與日本為研究對象,採用歷史研究途徑,探討過去兩國的科技政策發展情形,並以「科技政策循環」之概念觀之,從目標設定、科技政策之規劃、政府科技組織體系、科技發展資源及成果為分析構面,最後比較與歸納台灣與日本科技政策的特點,進而發掘台灣科技政策優勢與可改進之處,而後提出未來政府擬定政策之方向建議,以強化我國科技政策發揮扶持產業與社會發展之效益。
The development of S&T is a substantial factor of prompting economic advancement and constructing a modern country. The rapid development of S&T in recent years has unleashed a series of worrisome crises and open international models of cooperative innovation will provide a way forward for national development in different countries. There are many critical challenges we are now facing in Taiwan and thanks to continuous study and discussion among industry, government, academia, and the research community, the formulation of relevant policies has been expedited. Government put efforts on restructuring of the government S&T organization to enhance administrative efficiency, accelerating innovative R&D to enable the effective allocation of S&T resources, etc. This will initiate the next wave of economic growth, enabling Taiwan to maintain its beneficial niche in global scientific and technological innovation networks. This thesis takes Taiwan and Japan as the object, adopting historical approach to divide the history of development of S&T policies in both countries. It’s on the basis of concept of “policy cycle”, including goal setting, program planning, the government's S&T organizational system, S&T development resources and results so that the policy analysis is more comprehensive. Then it compares the S&T policies between Taiwan and Japan, with the aim of identifying their relative strengths and weaknesses, and concludes with suggestions on the direction of Taiwan’s S&T policy. Based on the result of the analysis, the government can take the suggestion about the future development of S&T policies and strengthen the development of industry and social effectively.
Appears in Collections:Thesis