Title: 內化異性戀主義、工作場域之性傾向管理策略、憂鬱、社會支持之關聯:調節中介效果之驗證
The Association among Internalized Heterosexism, Work Place Sexual Identity Management Strategies, Depression, and Social Support : a Study of Moderated Mediation.
Authors: 鄭穎澤
Keywords: 同性戀;雙性戀;出櫃;內化異性戀主義(內化恐同);性傾向管理策略;homosexual;bisexual;coming-out(disclosure);internalized heterosexism (internalized homophobia);sexual identity management strategies
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本研究旨在探討內化異性戀主義、工作場域之性傾向管理策略、與憂鬱之間的中介模式,並探討性傾向相關社會支持對此中介模式中四條連結的調節作用。本研究分為兩個研究,研究一檢驗翻譯量表的信度並初步探討研究變項間的關聯;研究二旨在探討本研究所假設的調節中介模式。本研究採用網路問卷法,研究一納入分析的參與者有139位同性戀或雙性戀;研究二則有562位。本研究根據參與者在「內化同性戀負面態度量表」、「性傾向管理策略量表」、「流行病學研究中心憂鬱量表」、「社會支持行為量表」的得分以CFA、MANOVA、Pearson’s Correlation、SEM、Multi-Group Comparison等統計方法進行分析。研究結果如下:
The present study investigates the mediation model of internalized heterosexism, work place sexual identity management strategies, and depression. Moreover, the moderating effect of sexuality-related social support on the associations in the abovementioned mediation model is examined. The study is comprised of two studies: Study 1 tests the reliability of the translated scales, while initially exploring the relationships among variables in the study, and study 2 tests the proposed model. Data was collected through on-line surveys. 139 homosexual and bisexual subjects were recruited in study 1, and 562 were recruited in study 2. The measurements used in the present study include “Internalized Homonegativity Subscale”, “Measure of Sexual Identity Management Strategies”, “Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale”, “the Social Support Behaviors Scale”. CFA, MANOVA, Pearson’s Correlation, SEM, and Multi-Group Comparison were used to analyze the data.
The results are as follows:
1. According to CFA and reliability analysis, the scales translated in the present study have good psychometric properties after item deletion.
2. According to MANOVA in studies 1 and 2, male subjects have higher internalized heterosexism and higher degree of depression compared to female subjects, and conceal their sexual orientation more often; the bisexual subjects have higher internalized heterosexism, endorse more counterfeiting strategies and less integrating strategies, and have more family support than homosexual participants.
3. According to SEM, avoidance strategies mediate the association between internalized heterosexism and depression consistently. Subjects feeling more negatively about their sexual orientation would more frequently prevent others from discovering their sexual orientation, thus increasing their degree of depression. Counterfeiting and integrating strategies don’t have mediation effects, as the two are unable to predict depression.
4. According to the multi-group comparison in study 2, sexuality-related support not only fails to dampen the association between internalized heterosexism and depression, but also the associations between identity management strategies and depression.

Finally, explanations regarding the inconsistencies between results and hypotheses are proposed, as well as practical suggestions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis