Title: IC&LED封測耗材通路營利模式
IC&LED Packing and testing supplies path business model
Authors: 蕭義泰
Hsiao, Yi-Tai
Chung, Hui-min
Keywords: IC&LED封測;IC&LED Packing and testing
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本論文研製之目的是建立兩岸IC&LED 封測耗材的通路, 讓A公司在封測領域能獨佔鰲頭,立於不敗有利之位置。 一般的公司會專注於生產創新的產品,來行銷產品,吸引客戶, 但隨著競爭著的加入、環境的變化很容易市場又變成紅海,不然就是要不斷得投入研發,開發創新產品,才能保有競爭優勢。有的公司也會採用代理銷售的模式,來進行商業模式,這樣容易受制於製造商,不管價格及市場都容易被限制。而我們希望用建置封測領域耗材通路的商業模式來使A公司, 能掌控市場,掌控價格形成獲利源源不絕的營利模式。
The purpose of this paper is to establish the path of cross-strait IC&LED packaging and testing supplies, thus Company A can come out on top in the field of IC packaging and testing, and be in an advantageous position. In general, companies will focus on producing innovative products to market products, attract customers, however, with more competitors and changes in the environment, the market easily turned into Red Sea. Therefore, we have to devote to R&D constantly, develop innovative products to maintain a competitive advantage. Some of the companies would authorize selling agent for their commercial‏ activities.‏

In this way, both of the price and market tend to be subjected by the manufacturers.
Our solution is building up the field of packaging and testing supplies channel.

In this manner, Company A will dominate the market and the price, and make a big profit from this commercial activity.
Appears in Collections:Thesis