Title: 上肢外骨骼機器人之智慧型控制開發
Development of an Intelligent Control System for an Upper-Limb Exoskeleton
Authors: 林承胤
Lin, Chen-Yin
Young, Kuu-Young
Keywords: 外骨骼機器人;智慧型控制;重力補償;Exoskeleton Robot;Intelligent Control;Gravity Compensation
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 老年人口的增加,以及醫療資源的不足,讓外骨骼機器人成為國內外學者研究的目標之一。本論文以我們實驗室所開發上肢可攜式穿戴式外骨骼機器人HAMEXO-I之控制為目標,HAMEXO-I擁有二軸,以馬達驅動肩膀和手肘兩個關節軸完成上肢手臂的移動,可以用於生活輔助以及醫療復健,本篇論文提出以智慧型控制提升控制器的成效,並且設計路徑以完成軌跡控制。除了位置控制外也加入了重力補償功能,讓HAMEXO-I可維持手臂位置,不會受到重力作用而落下。實驗前會預先使用模擬來驗證系統,之後再以實驗來證明外骨骼機器人可以適用於不同的路徑和使用者,達到準確控制的目的。
Due to the coming of aging society and lack of medical resource, exoskeleton robot becomes a major topic for robotic researchers. The object of thesis is to come up with an intelligent control system for upper-limb portable wearable exoskeleton robot developed in our laboratory, named as HAMEXO-I. HAMEXO-I has two active degree of freedoms and two motors on shoulder and elbow joints. It can be used in daily life and medical rehabilitation. We propose an intelligent controller that can promote the capability of the current controller. We also develop straight and curve path planning for the exoskeleton robot. In addition to the controller, we also propose gravity compensation to deal with the influence of gravity. Experiments are conducted to demonstrate system performance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis