Title: 以特殊齒型改良西洋推鋸性能之研究
Research of improving the woodworking western push saw by special teeth design
Authors: 邱嵩翔
Hsu, Ray-Quen
Keywords: 齒尖高低差;未來目;tooth tip height;Mirai-Me
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 一般木工用手鋸可大致分為日本拉鋸與西洋推鋸,日本鋸在鋸齒之齒型、熱處理等部分有獨到設計,使用起來較為省力,市場評價較高;西洋鋸則較日本鋸適合配合鋸馬等木工設備使用,也有相當程度的市場佔有率。 因此本計畫擬將日本拉鋸之齒尖高低差、未來目等特殊齒型根據推鋸施力方式改良後加進西洋鋸中,以提升其鋸切效率,改善西洋鋸的整體性能並提高其附加價值。 實驗以現有西洋推鋸進行改良,以自行設計之實驗裝置,搭配齒尖高低差、未來目之特殊齒型,分別對現有的西洋推鋸參數進行測試,並比較齒尖高低差、未來目等特殊齒型對於鋸切的影響,再以人手持鋸的方式驗證實驗結果,藉以評比改良後鋸片與原鋸片之差異。 由實驗結果顯示,齒尖高低差和未來目同時加入西洋推鋸能提升鋸切效果,減少了25%的鋸切力,此外也驗證實驗裝置的數據和實際鋸切之結果相同。
Woodworking handsaws can be divided into two types: Japanese pull saw and western push saw. In general, the evaluation of Japanese saw is higher because of the special designs of teeth and heat treatment, which can reduce the force required in cutting. On the other hand, the western saw is more suitable for working with workbenches or other woodworker's equipments than the Japanese saw, and therefore it has a large market share. This project intends to improves the overall performance of the western push saw and increase its added value by the following steps. Add 〖Mirai-Me〗^TM and tooth tip height to the western saw to improve its cutting efficiency. The western push saw, which will be improved in this project, is produced by TRT. It will design the experimental equipment. The performance differences between new product and original product are decided by cutting efficiency test and sawing test by human, that are also carried out to understand the correlation between the 〖Mirai-Me〗^TM and the tooth tip height. From the experiment results, 〖Mirai-Me〗^TM and tooth tip height can add in the western push saw to improve its cutting efficiency, reducing 25% cutting force. In addition, Experiments show that the same results of sawing test to human and Experimental equipment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis