Title: 輻射事故應變
Response to Radioactive Incidents
Authors: 陳羿旻
Chen, Yi - min
Huang, Shih-Ping
Lee, Cheng-Lung
Keywords: 核鑑識;輻射事故;輻射彈;處理流程;事故應變;Nuclear Forensics;Radioactive Incidents;Radioactive Bomb;Processing;Accident Response
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本研究乃國內建立核鑑識技術之初步規劃以及輻射事故之應變作業建議。近幾年有關輻射事故意外頻傳,甚至有恐怖份子揚言發動涉及放射性物質的恐怖攻擊。有鑒於放射性物質無色無味卻有極大殺傷力之影響,如何架構一套有效的緊急應變和後續的偵查作為實為重要。 評估國內現有之核鑑識能量後,發覺國內核鑑識技術之不足且乏人問津,國內輻射事故現場處理步驟仍有許多改善空間,因此本文將以輻射事故所造成之放射性物質危害現場為例,參考國際現行之輻射事故處理規範,整理、修改和規劃面對此類意外,應如何從現場發揮緊急應變,乃至向國外請求核鑑識援助之處理程序,並進一步討論面對輻射現場的緊急應變注意事項等作業的細節,探討從防護措施、證據採樣、保存運送乃至權責分工及通報規劃,並針對所需儀器設備提供適用時機及限制等評估。 本研究為輻射事故緊急應變之初探,目的為啟動我國核鑑識之研究以及引起國人對輻射事故的關注,並供日後輻射現場意外之緊急應變措施有所依循。
This study focuses on Nuclear Forensics Techniques development and advice on guidelines responding to radioactive accidents. Recently, illicit trafficking of radioactive material and radioactive criminal events has been a great concern. Moreover, some terrorists even claim to launch radioactive attack. Although radioactive material has no scent and could not be noticed easily, it can cause great harm. Thus, it is of crucial significant to stipulate clear and effective process dealing with such emergency and the investigation afterwards. Given the lack of capacity and concern of nuclear forensics technology in Taiwan, there is no complete guideline of what steps to take in case of nuclear attack or other radioactive incident. Taking the hazard in radioactive incident as an example, this study revises the existing international process and provides guidelines, from the moves taken to the process of requesting for assistance from international organization, to deal with radioactive incidents. Furthermore, it explains the details of sampling, transportation, safety protection, authority and responsibility as well as the limitation of equipment recommended. This study is a preliminary research of how to respond to radioactive incidents, aiming on provoking people’s attention on related topics and initiating further exploration in the future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis