Title: | 網路身障就業媒合平台的比較研究- 以104人力銀行、台灣就業通、GettingHired、Evenbreak為例 The Comparative Analysis on Online Job Bank for the Disabled Recruitment-A Study of 104 Job Bank, TaiwanJobs, GettingHired, and Evenbreak |
Authors: | 張巍瀞 Chang, Wei-Ching 林崇偉 Lin, Chong-Wei 理學院科技與數位學習學程 |
Keywords: | 身心障礙者;身障就業;就業;雇主;資訊架構;人力銀行;媒合平台;people with disabilities;disabled recruitement;employment;information architecture;job bank;online recruitment |
Issue Date: | 2015 |
Abstract: | 網路人力銀行為現今求職者與雇主最常使用的媒合管道。但研究指出,在台灣公私部門現有的網路就業媒合平台上,身障者找不到適合的工作,企業主也找不到適合人才。因此,如何針對身障就業領域的勞雇雙方開發出合適的網路就業媒合平台正是本研究所關切的議題。
研究發現:首先從情境面向來看:(1)因應身障者的求職使用情境,建置專門的人才媒合平台有其必要性、(2)針對雇主的使用情境,該平台除人力媒合外,也需兼具身障者雇用的效益評估及相關知識教育資訊。其次,就內容面向考量:(1)平台應精簡履歷在資訊架構上的組織系統,並增加障礙者的自我介紹,以及對無障礙工作環境的個人需求,從而提升履歷質與量,增加媒合的成功率、(2)平台應強化職缺搜尋、還有結構化的導覽功能,以提升身障者使用的便利性、(3)平台應精簡搜尋介面,並設定身障者求職需求為搜索條件、(4)建立符合身心障礙者分類機制的網站職缺與標示系統貼近身障求職者真實狀況,同時也應加強教育雇主對身障者的認知和瞭解。最後,回歸使用者面向的價值:(1)平台應協助肢障求職者充分了解企業無障礙工作環境與工作內容、(2)平台必須要符合無障礙網頁規範,更須建立支援視障者的輔助系統。 Online job bank has been an important recruitment approach for both job seekers and recruiters. However, the online job banks in Taiwan’s private and public organizations, many researches showed that the disabled job seekers were unable to find right vacancies and the recruiters couldn’t find disabled candidates either. As a result, to develop the disabled job seeker centered online job bank becomes the issue of conern in this research. The research was analyzed according to three aspects of Information Architecture, which are context, content, and user. Four domestic and foreign disabled online job banks were selected as the research case, which are Taiwan’s 104 Job Bank and TaianJobs, and United Kingdom’s Evenbreak and United States’ GettingHired. The qualitative research and semi-constructed interview were employed with researcher’s assist to collect user’s behavior of creating resume, searching job, and posting jobs, and discussed the differences between four job banks by the organization system, navigation system, search system, and labeling system. Three major conclusions of the study are as follows: 1.Context aspect: (1) For job seeker’s intent, it is necessary to build up an online job bank for the disabled job seekers. (2) For recruiter’s intent, the job bank should be compatible with promoting the benefits and awareness of disabled recruitment. 2.Content aspect: (1) Simplify the organization system of the resume content and add additional contents such as the requirements of accessible working environment to improve the quality of resume. (2) Improve the navigation system to enhance the visibility of common functions such as searching jobs. (3) Simplify the searching interface and add disabled related search boxes. (4) Build up the the labeling system of disabled classification criteria to meet the reality of the people with disabilities and increase the awareness to recruiters. 3.User aspect: (1) Assist job seekers with physical impairment to know the accessible working environment. (2) Follow web accessibility guideline and support assistive tools for people with visual impairment. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/127016 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |