Title: 3D列印技術整合鋅感測薄膜之酸鹼感測計
A pH Sensor with Zinc Sensing Film Fabricated in 3D- Printing Technology
Authors: 吳家宇
Wu, Jia-Yu
Su, Chau-Chin
Keywords: 自然環境;工業廢水;3D列印技術;電化學;pH量測;讀出電路;Natural environment;Industrial wasted water;3D-printing technology;Electrochemistry;pH sensing;Read-out circuit
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本研究結合電化學理論、感應薄膜材料與製程、以3D列印技術製作三維結構還有讀出電路等領域,應用於針對大環境如河川河流或工業廢水的酸鹼量測。市面上傳統的酸鹼感測器體積大、不易於攜帶與放置自然環境中,整體分為感應電極與電表部分,電表部分需置於乾燥環境中且高耗電,電極部分成本極高,平時需置於保存溶液中,而且經過數次反覆量測後需整隻電極更換,不便於長期放置量測。酸鹼值由溶液中的氫離子濃度決定,在感應材料上選擇與氫離子易反應的材料,元素狀態的活性需大於氫,以元素周期表上一價或二價的金屬為主。將選擇材料製成薄膜並電鍍於由3D列表機印出的三維結構上,此結構輕小,為圓球型易流於河川中。將讀出電路置於三維結構中並封裝,由感應薄膜量測之值可以在內部直接透過電路讀出。本研究提供一個低成本、簡易、輕巧好攜帶易於量測的酸鹼感測薄膜整合三維結構的pH感測計。
This thesis presents a 3D pH-sensing device fabricated in 3D-printing technology including read-out circuit chamber, metal sensing film and reference chamber. The device can be used in environment such as river and industrial wasted water supervising. Traditional pH-sensing device is high-cost, volume of it is large and not suitable for big environment and long-time supervising. pH is decided by the [H+] in solution, so the material of sensing film should easily react with [H+], which will be univalent and bivalent metal. The sensing film will be coated on the model printed by 3D-printer, reference and read-out circuit chambers will finally be isolated from outside solution in order to work normally. Sensed data will finally be amplified by instrumentation amplify. This thesis presents a low-cost, portable, simple and disposable new pH-sensing device.
Appears in Collections:Thesis