Title: 印尼航空網絡成長策略: 借鏡新加坡樟宜機場之發展
Indonesia’s Air Network Development Strategies: Lessons from Singapore Changi Airport Network
Authors: 楊惠璇
Heni Susanti
Wong, Jinn-Tsai
Keywords: 印尼機場;新加坡樟宜機場;航空網絡;Indonesian airports;Singapore Changi airport;airline network
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 印尼地區經濟發展、改革快速,使得印尼地區航空網絡有大幅度的成長。本研究目的主要在分析印尼機場與其航空網路的連結性,因此本研究以2004年、2008年、2012年以及2015年等四年度之定期航班資料進行統整分析。本研究發現在印尼主要機場中,只有蘇加諾-哈達國際機場在國際機場連結性上具有優勢,因此本文針對蘇加諾-哈達國際機場與新加坡樟宜國際機場進行航空運量、國籍航空公司之航網、機場設施及經營和社會經濟發展之比較,以了解航空網路之發展趨勢。本研究結果顯示新加坡樟宜國際機場與印尼蘇加諾哈達國際機場相比,新加坡樟宜機場具有優勢之航空網絡,且有更大的國際連結性。最後,本文對印尼機場之主要發展策略進行討論與建議。建議如下:為提升印尼機場之航空網路發展,印尼機場需開放私營機構的投資,並與航空公司合作經營,提供所需的運量,力爭成為具有吸引力之機場,以提升盈利、維持機場競爭力。
This study’s aim is to analyze the connection of the Indonesian air transportation network, finding that Soekarno-Hatta International Airport was Indonesia’s major airport among all with the highest number of international connections, then contrast the air network development with Singapore Changi International Airport during the years 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2015 respectively, based on the Innovata database. The air network development of both countries is analyzed and compared consisting of airlines transport capacity, airport facilities and operation, and socioeconomic development, with national carriers being highlighted. The results reveal that Singapore Changi Airport has far greater international connections than Soekarno-Hatta Airport. The key implications for Indonesian airports to develop their international air network is by opening investment for private or international companies, ensuring the capacity needs, engaging with airlines, and becoming an attractive airport along with maintaining good management and performance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis