Title: | 以眼球追蹤探討搜尋網頁呈現方式與位置對決策之影響 Eye movement assessment of the influence of the presentation format and position on decision making in web search |
Authors: | 曾由佳 Tseng,yu-chia 陶振超 Tao,Chen-Chao 傳播研究所 |
Keywords: | 眼動追蹤;消費者決策;網路購物;網頁呈現方式;Eye-tracking;Consumer choice;Web search;interface |
Issue Date: | 2015 |
Abstract: | 網路搜尋可以視為一種決策過程。當人透過網路搜尋附近離家最近餐廳、哪一個品牌的手機不錯、最便宜的民宿為哪一家,在每種情境下,都涉及一個共同的主題:做決策。然而,人在執行決策的過程中,心智是如何思考的?檢視過去與網路搜尋有關的研究,均著重探討不同的搜尋行為或搜尋動機;與消費者決策有關的研究,則是著重探討影響消費者的決策因素,兩個研究領域尚未有一個交集。特別是,在電子商務發達的今日,兩種在電子商務最常使用的網頁呈現方式-格子式與條列式是否會影響決策仍不清楚。
因此,本研究從認知心理學取徑的角度切入,以眼球運動追蹤儀器檢視人在搜尋商品的過程中如何制定決策。實驗一以 2(條列式/格子式)×3(電子/傢俱/美食類產品)的研究設計,來探討兩種網頁呈現方式、頁面下的不同位置,在眼動表現上的差異與以及對決策之影響。實驗二再加入任務困難度(高/低)與決策類型(喜愛/不喜愛)兩種變因,以探討各變項之間的關係。另外,實驗一與實驗二均檢驗眼動指標是否能預測決策。
研究結果發現,條列網頁呈現方式在注意力分配上有順序效應,但產品的位置不影響參與者的決策。此外,網頁呈現方式與任務困難度在凝視次數上產生交互作用,當任務困難度低的時候,條列式的網頁呈現方式其凝視次數仍顯著大於格子式。最後,實驗一與實驗二均發現總體注視時間能成功預測決策。 Web search can be viewed as a decision-making process. People might find restaurants near their current location, the best mobile phone brand or cheap hotels during web search. No matter what the situation is, it all relates to an action: decision-making. But how people brain processes information in the course of decision-making? Relevant study of web search domain, paid close attention to importance of different search behaviors or motives. In the other hand, research on consumer decision-making, focused on the factors that influence decisions, the intersection has not yet been built. Especially the list and grid formats - the most popular formats used in electronic commerce. Whether this two formats affect the decision remains unclear. In this study, we using eye-tracking methods to understand how consumers make a choice during the search processes, the concern is from a cognitive point of view in psychology. In Study 1, the experiment employed a 2 (List / Grid format) × 3 (Electronics / Furniture / Food Products) , aimed to explore whether the eye movement and decision could be affect by format and position or not. In study 2, three-variable relationships will be examed,adding task difficulty (high / low) and the types of decisions (like / dislike) as predictors. Besides, whether eye movement metrics can be used for predicting the decisions will also be discussed Study found that web format has an order effect on the distribution of attention, but the decision-making didn’t be in influenced by position. Moreover, format and task difficulty had an interaction on the fixation count. Finally the decision was determined by total visit duration and visit count. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/127495 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |