Title: 物聯網應用之收費因子與架構研究
Charging factors and charging architecture study in M2M communication
Authors: 蔡萬都
Tsai, Wan-Du
Lin, Fuchun Joseph
Keywords: 物聯網網路;物聯網費因子;物聯網收費模型;M2M communications;M2M charging factors;M2M charging models
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 物聯網服務應用的普及已是顯而易見的,這些增進人類生活機能的物聯網服務包括影像監控、智慧電網、智慧家庭、車載系統、工業自動化以及智慧城市等服務。這些服務的性質不同於以往使用者所使用的電子郵件、網頁瀏覽和影片觀賞等功能。傳統電信網路的收費因子,像是資料傳輸量、簡訊量或是通話分鐘,無法反應新興物聯網服務的價值,造成電信公司與第三方服務提供者之間盈餘的不平衡,因此我們需要制定新的收費因子,並且分析新收費因子的可用性。為了讓新制定的收費因子被使用,也必須制定符合新概念的物聯網收費模型,使得電信業者能有效地利用收費因子來向使用者收費,同時也提出與傳統電信不同概念的基本費來彌補新收費模型的缺陷,使得收費模型更為完整。在這篇論文裡,也初步的介紹物聯網的收費架構,包括如何在物聯網上收費的初步分析。
The widespread application of M2M communications is obvious. There are already many useful services enabled by M2M communications such as video surveillance, smart grid, smart home, connected vehicle, industry automation and smart city. These services are different from traditional Internet services such as e-mail, web browsing and video watching. As a result, we need to understand new charging factors beyond those defined in the past such as amount of data transfer, number of short messages and duration of voice communication. To adapt these new charging factor into the current 3GPP LTE architecture, we need to research how to collect the charging information for new charging factors and send these information to the charging server. In this thesis, we identify new charging factors for M2M communications and analyze their differences with traditional voice and Internet networks. Based on the results of our analysis, new charging models specific to M2M communications are proposed to enable smart data pricing that creates a win-win situation for operators and users. In this thesis, we also introduce the design of an M2M charging architecture including the initial analysis of how to collect charging events required for M2M pricing.
Appears in Collections:Thesis