Title: 應用於近場通訊技術並具有自我校正逆電流之磁場感應式整流供電系統
A Power Supply of Rectified System for Reverse Current Self-calibration through Magnetic Field Induction in Near Field Communication
Authors: 黃如玉
Huang, Ru-Yu
Chen, Ke-Horng
Keywords: 近場行動通訊;卡片模擬模式;主動式整流器;逆電流控制;延遲補償;near field communication (NFC);card emulation (CE) mode;active rectifier;reverse current control;delay compensation
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 隨著感測技術的成長,近場行動通訊在未來將會在行動裝置內成為必要的部分。為了因應消費者隨時使用行動支付的需求,近場行動通訊在裝置低電量甚至沒電時仍然可以順利運作。透過磁場感應供給近場行動通訊控制器連續且穩定的電壓源來確保卡片模擬模式的感應行為可以順利操作。因此,對近場行動通訊控制器來說,能在裝置電源耗盡時透過線圈的互感行為將能量順利傳輸以達到內部供電是很重要的。此論文之整流供電系統架構採用0.25微米製程整流從磁場感應來的交流源至直流電壓,再經低線性穩壓器供應穩定輸出電壓。 此外,此論文之供電系統因減少不必要的電流損耗可以達到最高92%的電壓轉換比例及89.4%的能源轉換效率。
As the growing of sensing technique, near field communication (NFC) becomes an essential part in the mobile devices in the near future. NFC devices can be operated at the condition of low battery or even battery-off due to the requirement of payment any time. Power by field can supply the controller of NFC devices continuous and stable voltage source to ensure the act of tag in card emulation (CE) mode operates smoothly. As a result, it is crucial in NFC controllers for power source transferred from mutual induction of coils when the devices are battery-off. The proposed technique of power source designed in 0.25 μm CMOS process was used to rectify AC source from induction of magnetic field to unregulated DC voltage source and to supply power the NFC controller through low dropout regulator (LDR). Moreover, the developed rectified systems achieve as high as 92% voltage conversion ratio and 89.4 % power conversion efficiency (PCE) due to the reduction of unnecessary current loss.
Appears in Collections:Thesis