Chiao Da Mangement Review : [246]

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类别内的文件 (依公开日期由降幂排序排序): 从 121 到 140 笔,总共 246 笔
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2011Examining the Moderating Effect of Occupational Commitment on Contract Breach-Job Stress Relations叶颖蓉; 胡昌亚; Yvonne Ying-Jung Yeh; Chang-Ya Hu; Department of Management Science; 管理科学学系
2011Can Firm Size and Firm Age Moderate Firm Behavioral Momentum?田正利; 邱宏仁; 陈建男; Cheng-Li Tien; Hong-Jen Chiu; Chien-Nan Chen; Department of Management Science; 管理科学学系
2011Promotion Asymmetry Effects on Customer Brand Choice许慧珍; Huei-Chen Hsu; Department of Management Science; 管理科学学系
2010Key Factors for Intangible Asset Value Creation: The Empirical Study of Computer and Peripheral Firms朱博涌; 林裕淩; 刘俊宏; Po-Young Chu; Yu-Ling Lin; Jun-Hong Liu; Department of Management Science; 管理科学学系
2010Exploring Multilevel Perspective of Leader-member Exchange Relevant to Performance Appraisal Satisfaction洪赞凯; 蔡佳盛; Tsang-Kai Hung; Chia-Sheng Tsai; Department of Management Science; 管理科学学系
2010The Impact of Employee Compensation Disclosure on Corporate Governance Structure林静香; 王万成; Ching-Hsiang Lin; Wann-Cherng Wang; Department of Management Science; 管理科学学系
2010The Impacts of Supply Chain Relational Benefit on Inter-organizational Knowledge Sharing: Cross Validation of SEM刘文良; Wen-Liang Liu; Department of Management Science; 管理科学学系
2010The Optimal Pricing and Production Strategy for Homogeneous Product under Incomplete Information and Duopoly黄允成; 詹家豪; 郑文睿; Yun-Cheng Huang; Chia-Hao Chan; Wen-Ruei Jeng; Department of Management Science; 管理科学学系
2010Effects on Shareholders' Wealth and Premium (Discount) of Private Placement Announcement林淑玲; 庄小君; Shu-Ling Lin; Rita Chuang; Department of Management Science; 管理科学学系
2010To Develop the Strategies of the Medical Tourism Industry in Taiwan by Using GRA and TRIZ: The Japanese Consumer Viewpoint林千惠; 李宗儒(浚绅); 李佳珊; Chien-Hui Lin; Tzong-RuJiun-Shen Lee; Chia-Shan Lee; Department of Management Science; 管理科学学系
2010Effect of Transaction Tax on the Relationship between Volatility and Trading Activities of Taiwan Stock Index Futures陈家彬; 刘映兴; 杨践为; Chia-Pin Chen; Ying-Sing Liu; Jen-Wei Yang; Department of Management Science; 管理科学学系
2010How Does Corporate Governance Affect Firm Performance? The Mediating Role of Agency Costs黄志仁; 薛敏正; 张瑀珊; Chih-Jen Huang; Min-Jeng Shiue; Yu-Shan Chang; Department of Management Science; 管理科学学系
2010Effects of Participative and Directive Leadership in a GSS-Mediated Environment under Time Pressure洪新原; 康赞清; 黄立双; 黄心怡; Shin-Yuan Hung; Tsan-Ching Kang; Li-Shuang Huang; Hsin-Yi Huang; Department of Management Science; 管理科学学系
2009Country-of-Origin Effect on Consumer's Adoption of Cultural & Creative Products陈綉里; 张智钧; Hsiu-Li Chen; Zhu-Chun Chang; Department of Management Science; 管理科学学系
2009Does CEO Media Coverage Affect Firm Performance?池祥萱; 林煜恩; 陈韦如; 周宾凰; Hsiang-Hsuan Chih; Yu-En Lin; Wei-Ru Chen; Pin-Huang Chou; Department of Management Science; 管理科学学系
2009The Impact of Strategy Type on the Relationships among Broad Scope Management Accounting System, Job Information Perceptions, and Managerial Performance钟绍熙; 倪丰裕; 苏英芳; 邱炳干; 苏锦俊; Shao-Hsi Chung; Feng-Yu Ni; Ying-Fang Su; Bing-Chyan Chiou; Chin-Chun Su; Department of Management Science; 管理科学学系
2009Is the Relationship between Stock Returns and Economic Growth Disappearing? A Cross-Sectional Analysis李源明; 黄柏农; 王冠闵; Yuan-Ming Lee; Bwo-Nung Huang; Kuan-Min Wang; Department of Management Science; 管理科学学系
2009Human Capital and Operating Performance林昭伶; 陈燕锡; Chao-Ling Lin; Yahn-Shir Chen; Department of Management Science; 管理科学学系
2009Predicting the Default Risk of Firms: A Model with Safety Covenants林郁翎; 张大成; Yu-Ling Lin; Ta-Cheng Chang; Department of Management Science; 管理科学学系
2009The Alternative Pricing Approach for Variable Life Insurance Incorporating Secondary Life Insurance Market罗烈明; 许和钧; Lieh-Ming Luo; Her-Jiun Sheu; Department of Management Science; 管理科学学系
类别内的文件 (依公开日期由降幂排序排序): 从 121 到 140 笔,总共 246 笔
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