Title: XML技術在農產運銷的應用
Applications of XML Technology to Agricultural Marketing
Authors: 梁高榮 
Keywords:  ; 
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 本計畫共有三個目標.第一個目標是利用XML技術整合農產運銷的企業對企業業務, 並成立農產品XML委員會制定XML規範供交易使用.第二個目標則是「易得網」網站軟體的昇級與維護.第三個目標是出版農產運銷電子商務專輯. 
There are three goals in this project.First, XML technology is proposed for integrating B2B electronic commerce of agricultural products.An XML-oriented committee for agricultural products is organized to make the standardized XML schemas.Second, the software of web site ”eat.nctu.edu.tw”will be upgraded and maintained.Third, a special issue for electronic commerce of agricultural marketing will be published. 
Gov't Doc #: 90農科-5.1.3-輔-#1(2) 
URI: https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1045496&docId=199328
Appears in Collections:Research Plans