Title: PC供應鏈市場結構與關鍵零組件策略採購決策分析-以華碩電腦之TFT-LCD採購為例
Market Structure of the Key Components in PC Supply Chain and Strategy Purchasing Decision Analysis – An Empirical Study of the TFT-LCD Procurement in ASUSTeK Computer
Authors: 廖哲輝
Liao, Che-Hui
Yang, Chyan
Keywords: 市場結構;策略採購;PC產業;華碩;液晶面板;Market Structure;Strategic Procurement;PC Industry;ASUSTeK;TFT-LCD
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本研究分析消費性電子產業之零組件市場結構,探討其與策略採購決策之影響,提出策略供應商、中長期時間、短期供需之三種策略採購模式。隨行動通訊時代興起,消費性電子產業變化速度越來越快,競爭亦日趨激烈,對於傳統個人電腦廠商而言,若能有效管控關鍵零組件之採購成本,將可立於不敗之地;而TFT-LCD面板為筆記型電腦重要零組件之一,產業在多年發展後,形成高資本及高技術需求,產生高進入障礙,市場也漸漸形成由五大面板廠所主導(Samsung, LG Display, AUO, INNOLUX, BOE)之寡佔市場,上游廠商之決策與行為將影響整體市場,進而影響下游品牌廠表現,因此本論文以華碩電腦為研究個案,探討其筆記型電腦產品自1995年起,所面臨之TFT-LCD 面板市場狀況,從不同時期之環境條件下,分析TFT-LCD 面板所面臨之市場結構與供需狀況,檢視其採購目標與策略,研究發現在面對不同市場結構下,採購策略需即時調整,以確保採購之成本優勢,最後以採購因素、市場結構理論與競合關係為基礎,歸納出策略供應商、中長期時間、短期供需之三種策略採購模式,為後續經營提出採購策略之判斷模式,創造出最佳成本優勢與企業競爭力。
This research analyzes the correlations between market structures of key components in consumer electronics industry and the strategic purchasing decisions, and proposes three strategic purchasing models including strategy supplier model, long-term model, and short-term demand-supply model. The pace firm competitiveness of changes is accelerating in more and more competitive in consumer electronic industry because of booming mobile commerce. To apply effective control techniques for purchasing key components will strengthen firms’ competitiveness for traditional mobile device manufactures. As TFT-LCD is one of the most important components of laptop, it requires high capital investment and advanced techniques support to stay competitive after several years of development. This phenomenon has built the entry barrier for new producers, therefore the current oligopolistic market are dominated by the following top five panel manufactures: Samsung, LG Display, AUO, INNOLUX, and BOE. The corporate conduct from upstream key component manufacturers will drive macro market and further to the downstream PC suppliers’ performance. Therefore, this thesis takes ASUSTeK as an empirical study and targets specifically at TFT-LCD being used on ASUS notebook since 1995. It analyses demand and supply structure of TFT-LCD market, and reviews the goals of procurement and purchasing strategy during the different periods. Finally, it summarizes three correlation models which are strategic supplier model, long-term model and short-term demand-supply model based on purchasing factor, market structure and the theory of co-opetition. The result proposes decision-making techniques in business management in order to optimize cost advantage and maximize competitiveness of corporations.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363710
Appears in Collections:Thesis