Title: MOOC的討論圖設計與其應用:以高中數學為例
A Design of MOOC’s Discussion Map and Its Application in High School Math
Authors: 李柏儒
Lee, Po-Ju
Li, Han-Lin
Keywords: MOOC;知識整合;圖譜;討論圖;MOOC;knowledge integration;knowledge map;discussion map
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 大規模線上開放課程(Massive Open Online Courses, MOOCs)已成為學習的重要工具,然而目前知名平台的討論功能都較為不足,故本研究以海馬迴記憶理論與組合式平台架構為基礎,建構包含「圈圖討論」及「討論圖譜轉化」兩大功能的「討論圖」平台。透過「圈圖討論」將討論區與知識點做連結,再利用嵌入外部素材的方式豐富討論區內所乘載的知識量。另外透過「討論圖譜轉化」能將討論區的知識完整儲存並可透過平台所提供的SVG Editor進行課程圖譜與討論圖譜之間的交換組合,達到將知識整合活用的學習效果。
MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) have become an important tool for learning. However current MOOC platforms have their weak points in discussion. This study aims at designing a MOOC platform called MOOCME applied the function of discussion map contained add discussion in course knowledge map and transforms the content of discussion into a discussion knowledge map. Furthermore, by using the MOOCME editor users can combine the discussion knowledge map and course knowledge map, in order to reach the goal of knowledge integration.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353422
Appears in Collections:Thesis