Title: 到達不確定性下縮短預約間隔醫療排程問題
Clinic scheduling with uncertain arrivals and compressed appointment time interval
Authors: 游承翰
You, Cheng-Han
Hung, Hui-Chih
Keywords: 病人預約時間之排程;總等待時間;完工時間;Patient appointment scheduling;total waiting time;makespan
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本研究在單一醫生進行服務的情況下,探討病人預約時間之排程問題。由於病人到達時間為不確定性,所以病人可能比其預約時間早到或晚到,而我們要決定最佳預約時間間隔,並考量病人等待時間和醫生完工時間最小化之目標。在本研究中,預約規則為每次預約一位病人且預約間隔時間皆相同。病人到達情境分為兩種,第一種為病人到達順序與預約順序相同,第二種為病人到達順序與預約順序不同。最後,我們進行數值分析來呈現本研究的解決方法。
We consider the patient scheduling problem for a clinic with single doctor. Patient’s arrival time is uncertain and they may arrive before or after their appointment time. Our goal is to determine the optimal time interval, such that patient’s total waiting time and doctor’s makespan are minimized. In this paper, our appointment rule is appointment time interval are equally constant and assigns only one patient to each appointment slot. And we consider patients’ appointment sequence is identical to their arrival sequence or not. Finally, numerical studies are implemented to verify the performance of our solution.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353346
Appears in Collections:Thesis