Title: | 以語料庫為本之中文動詞「存」與「藏」的詞彙語意研究 A Corpus-based Lexical Semantic Study of Cún and Cáng in Mandarin Chinese |
Authors: | 楊宛潔 劉美君 Yang, Wan-Jie Liu, Mei-Chun 外國語文學系外國文學與語言學碩士班 |
Keywords: | 中文動詞「存」與「藏」;中文放置類動詞;詞彙語意學;Mandarin cún and cáng;Mandarin placement verb;lexical semantics |
Issue Date: | 2016 |
Abstract: | 本研究以語料庫為基礎,試圖從詞彙語意學角度探討中文動詞「存」與「藏」的語意內涵及其相互關聯。根據語料觀察,「存」與「藏」於特定句式下可交互使用,而根據 Li & Thompson (1981) 對中文放置動詞的研究,「存」與「藏」皆屬此類動詞。本文建立於此動詞分類上,欲探討以下三個議題:1) 中文放置動詞「存」與「藏」的語法及語意互動關係;2) 「存」與「藏」可交互使用之語法語意環境;3) 「存」與「藏」及典型放置類動詞之語意區分。
藉由觀察及分析語料庫中 「存」 與 「藏」 的實際語法使用與搭配情形,發現「存」 與 「藏」有其獨特之語法及語意使用特性。「存」在語意上可被界定為「儲存」、「保存」、「存有」、「存在」四個在放置事件上不同的語意側重。「儲存」及「保存」強調在放置事件上的目的性,「儲存」目的為使金錢等相關來源避免被使用,並在某空間持續累積數量;「保存」目的為使文化等相關來源避免被損害,並在某空間持續保持質量。「存有」及「存在」則表達物體與地點空間之關係,描述靜止狀態的物體及空間關係,是放置事件上的最終階段。「藏」在語意上則劃分為「隱藏/躲藏」以及「收藏」,此兩語意皆強調隱含目的性的放置事件,「隱藏/躲藏」目的為使物體或生命體進入某隱蔽空間避免被發現,「收藏」則與「保存」語意重疊,皆為避免有價值物體在某空間被損害。
本文的完成提供一系統性框架分析動詞語法及語意互動,呈現詞彙語意延伸與構式之關聯,為中文放置類動詞「存」與「藏」提供一深入案例研究。 The thesis aims to explore the syntactic-to-semantic correlations between the uses of cún 存 and cáng 藏 in Mandarin Chinese based on corpus observation and lexical semantic analysis. It is found in the corpus that cún and cáng are interchangeable in some syntactic configurations and thus both are classified as placement verbs by Li & Thompson (1981). However, they show very different patterns of distribution in the corpus and call for a detailed analysis of their meanings. The study adopts their status as placement verbs and attempts to investigate three issues: 1) the interactions between different meanings of cún and cáng; 2) an account of the reasons for cún and cáng to be interchangeable; 3) the differences between the prototypical placement verb and cún and cáng. With corpus observation of the syntactic and collocational distribution, cún and cáng are found to highlight different semantic attributes among placement verbs. Cún is defined to bear four meanings, chúcún 儲存, bǎocún 保存, cúnyǒu 存有, and cúnzài 存在, which denote different parts of a placement event chain. Chúcún and bǎocún highlight the purposes of a placement event. Chúcún is highly specified for “storing economincally valuable sources at a location for the purpose of accumulation and not being used up”. Bǎocún is “to preserve cultural resources at a location for the purpose of preventing the resources from being damaged”. Cúnyǒu and cúnzài profile the spatial relation between entities and their designated locations. Cáng is less diverse in its semantic scope but preserves the meaning of keeping something in a confined space. It can be defined with two sets of meanings, yǐncáng/duǒcáng 隱藏/躲藏 and shōucáng 收藏, both focusing on special purposes of placement as in cún. Yǐncáng/duǒcáng are meant “to hide something or someone at a confined location from being found”. Shōucáng is “to collect and preserve something valuable from being damaged”, which overlaps partially with the meaning of bǎocún to a certain extent. By offering a corpus-based account of the syntactic and semantic interactions of the two verbs, this study provides a systematic and usage-based framework to identify and distinguish their verbal semantics. It represents a detailed case study of the two semantically related placement verbs cún and cáng in Chinese. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070159015 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/138541 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |