Title: 情侶分手後關係轉化的經驗內涵
A study of a transformation of a couple’s Relationship after Breaking up
Authors: 張淑婷
Chang, Shu-Ting
Hsu, Ying-Ju
Keywords: 分手;關係轉化;breaking up;transformation of relationship
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本研究旨在了解影響情侶分手後關係維持的因素以及分手後關係轉化的經驗內涵,雙方是如何從愛情終結的關係轉化為彼此都感到舒適自在的情誼互動,這其中有那些因素牽涉影響,互動的特徵歷程為何。 本研究以質性研究的敘說作為研究方法,採取半結構式的深度訪談,訪談了五位在分手後與前男友均維持一定互動與聯繫的女性,每人進行一到二次不等的深入訪談。 本研究發現影響分手後情侶維持關係的因素有以下五點:分手方式;餘情未了,有意願維繫關係;共同生活圈的羈絆;過去感情的友伴式情感內涵;重要他人影響關係的維繫。「分手方式」及「餘情未了,有意願維繫關係」是影響分手後情侶關係能否維持的兩個重要因素,其中又以「餘情未了,有意願維繫關係」的影響最大,有決定性的關鍵。 而分手後的關係轉化過程可以分為五個階段,分別是,藕斷絲連的微妙關係、再次面對分手事實的拉扯、時間協助沉澱以轉化、對於分手事件的正向框架與理解、轉化完成的關係現況。其中,自我與關係的轉化會在上述分手後關係轉化的五個階段中相互影響。 關鍵字:分手、關係轉化
The purpose of this research is to understand, what the factors are for couples to maintain their relationships after breaking up; and how is the transformation of relationships formed after the couple’s breakup. Also, how the two participants in a relationship turns their ending romance into a comfortable interaction with each other. What are the influencing factors, and what are the interactive features. This research adopted a narrative study approach in qualitative method. The author uses semi-structured in-depth interviews and obtain interview materials form five female participants, who all maintained certain interactions with their ex-boyfriends after breaking up. And each of them received once or twice in-depth interviews. We found five factors that affect the relationships after breakup, , "ways of breakup" and "remaining affection, willingness to maintain relationship", ”the involvement of the same social circle” and “the companionship of this past relationship”, and “influenced by significant others to maintain relationship”. Among these factors, "remaining affection, willingness to maintain relationship" is the most decisive and crucial factor. The five stages of transformation in relationships after the breakup are as followed; “the subtle and lingering relationship”, “facing the fact of breaking up once again”, “contemplation through time to transform”, “the positive reframing and understanding towards breakup”, “the current relationship after transformation”. Through these five process, self and the transformation of relationships would influence each other constantly.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070059617
Appears in Collections:Thesis