Title: 整合感測器與Arduino之穿戴式音樂展演裝置 -以MusFit 實作為例
Wearable Devices Integrating sensors and Arduino for Music Performance - As exemplified by MusFit
Authors: 汪宗樺
Wang, Chung-Hua
Tseng, Yu-Chung
Keywords: Arduino;感測器;藍芽傳輸;穿戴式;音樂展演;Arduino;sensor;Bluetooth;Wearable;Musical performance
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本研究以Arduino作為技術核心平台,並結合藍芽無線傳輸與彎曲感測器、壓力感測器與電子羅盤等,能夠配合身體四肢與頭部動作之不同種類感測器,設計並製作一包含頭部、手部與腳部,使用身體四肢與頭部進行操作之穿戴式音樂展演裝置控制器-MusFit,並透過相關領域使用者進行問卷回饋與評估。 論文架構第一章為研究動機與研究目標。第二章為文獻探討,蒐集與分析感測器特性與規格書,評估適用於本研究之感測器。第三章為本研究之系統架構與開發平台評估。第四章為設計與實作。第五章為試用者問卷評估與分析。第六章為結論與未來發展。
The wearable musical performance system - MusFit, proposed in this essay is based on Arduino. Moreover, the system consists of Bluetooth wireless transmission, flex sensors, force-sensing resistors and electronic compass. The system can be controlled by limbs and head movements. In addition, the questionnaire feedback and evaluations from users of various background are provided at the end of paper. The paper consists of five chapters, Chapter One : Research motivation and the purpose, Chapter Two : Literature review, Chapter Three : System design, Chapter Four : Methods of implementation, Chapter Five : Questionnaire feedback and evaluations, Chapter Six : Conclusion and future work.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070351911
Appears in Collections:Thesis