Title: 國家文化對組織行爲影響之研究 - 以臺灣與巴西基層員工為例
Exploring the Influence of National Culture on Organizational Behavior: in the Case of Lower-level Employees from Taiwan and Brazil
Authors: 張信偉
Chang, Hsin-Wei
Chen, Chun-Fu
Keywords: 巴西;基層員工;國家文化;組織行爲;臺灣;Brazil;Lower-level Employees;National Culture;Organizational Behavior;Taiwan
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 在全球互相促進的商業環境下,對於跨國企業而言,跨文化的管理顯得越來 越重要。該需求的主要原因之一來自具有不同國家文化背景的主管與員工之間在 相處的過程中,因彼此在思維及行爲上具有的差異而產生爭議或糾紛。因此,本 研究以國家文化對於組織行爲影響為議題,以臺灣與巴西基層員工為例。 本研究通過網路問卷搜集相關資料,應用 R Project 為統計工具,並採用描 述性統計及回歸分析來進行數據分析。本研究共回收 216 份樣本;有效樣本為 213 份,98 份來自巴西與 115 份來自臺灣。最後的研究結果顯示:(1)國家文化對 於組織行爲有顯著的影響,代表根據不同的國家文化,當地的基層員工將會有不 同的行爲;(2)在國家文化的構面上,臺灣與巴西之間有顯著的差異,其中: 在 ⌜生活質量⌟ 的構面上與其工作,巴西員工顯示更加注重休閒娛樂;在 ⌜個人 和集體主義⌟ 的構面上,臺灣在集體的社會主義上比巴西顯示更加強烈;但在 ⌜ 權利差距⌟ 與 ⌜不確定性規避⌟ 的構面上彼此之間的差異並不顯著,表示臺灣與 巴西基層員工在這兩個構面上並無明顯的差異。
Due to the modern and increasingly interdependent business environment, the study of cross-cultural management has become more urgent than ever. This is especially the case for multinational companies that do business within a cross-cultural context. The need for this kind of research is justified by such common situations as conflicts raised by employees and managers with different cultural backgrounds that think and behave completely different from each other. For this purpose, this study highlights the influence of national culture on organizational behavior, comparing two countries from cultural contexts very different from each other, namely Taiwan and Brazil, by addressing lower-level employees in particular. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis were applied in this study. Data collected from internet questionnaires were analyzed by R project. 216 questionnaires in total were collected, while the total of valid questionnaires were 213, 98 from Brazil and 115 from Taiwan. Results show that: (1) national culture has a strong influence on organizational behavior, suggesting that lower-level employees in different cultural context will have different behaviors; (2) significant differences were found in different dimensions of national culture such as “Quantity vs. Quality of Life”, where it was found that in comparison to lower-level employees in Taiwan, employees in Brazil show a stronger preference for leisure time; while in “Individualism vs. Collectivism”, Taiwan is shown to be a stronger collectivist society than Brazil. However, no significant differences were found in dimensions such as “Power Distance” and “Uncertainty Avoidance”, which means that in these dimensions both countries show a relative similarity to each other.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353749
Appears in Collections:Thesis