Title: 利用在陽極氧化鋁模板孔洞中的潤濕及去潤濕現象製備異向性高分子奈米粒子
Fabrication of Anisotropic Polymer Nanoparticles by Wetting and Dewetting in the Nanopores of Anodic Aluminum Oxide Templates
Authors: 齊慕桓
Chi, Mu-Huan
Chen, Jiun-Tai
Keywords: 退火;陽極氧化鋁;模板;異向性;潤濕;去潤濕;Annealing;AAO;Template;Anisotropic;Wetting;Dewetting
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 在過去粒子科學 (Particle Science) 的應用中,大多使用等向性 (Isotropic) 高分子微奈米粒子,但由於其高對稱性外觀和低表面積∕體積比,而使其應用受限,為了用單一物質或粒子製備出多功能性材料,異向性 (Anisotropic) 奈米粒子的開發在未來必定是不可或缺的,但要製備出異向性粒子依然是一大挑戰。本論文主要利用高分子在陽極氧化鋁模板孔洞中的潤濕及去潤濕現象,發展出多項簡便、快速、成本低且新穎的異向性高分子奈米粒子製備技術。 本論文可分為四個部分,第一個部分中,我們利用高分子奈米球在模板孔洞中熱退火產生的潤濕現象,製備出異向性彎曲型高分子奈米圓盤,並探討其形貌控制、潤濕行為理論和後續應用。第二個部分中,我們利用高分子奈米球在模板孔洞開口產生的潤濕現象,製備出具香菇形貌的異向性高分子奈米粒子,並探討其形貌控制、抗咖啡漬行為和後續異向性傑納斯奈米粒子 (Janus Nanoparticles) 的製備。第三部分中,我們利用螢光高分子製備出不同奈米粒子,探討形貌、高分子鏈排列和構象對螢光奈米粒子光物理特性的影響。第四部分中,我們利用高分子奈米管柱在模板孔洞中溶劑蒸氣退火產生的去潤濕現象,製備出多孔性高分子奈米管柱,並探討其形貌控制、去潤濕行為理論和後續應用。本論文不只提供新穎異向性高分子奈米粒子的製備方法及其形貌,同時也對在彎曲基板上和受限效應下高分子的潤濕及去潤濕現象,提供更深層的了解。
To synthesize multi-functional materials, it is desired to develop simple methods to fabricate anisotropic particles. This dissertation mainly focus on developing novel methods, which are based on wetting and dewetting of polymers in the nanopores of anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) templates, to fabricate anisotropic polymer nanoparticles. This dissertation includes four parts. In the first part, we develop a simple approach to prepare curved polymer nanodiscs by thermal annealing induced wetting of polymer nanospheres in the AAO nanopores. In the second part, we develop a simple approach to prepare mushroom-shaped polymer nanoparticles by thermal annealing induced wetting of polymer nanospheres on the open end of AAO nanopores. In the third part, fluorescent polymer nanoparticles are prepared by different template methods to discuss the effect of morphology, chain arrangement and conformation on the photophysical properties. In the fourth part, we develop a simple approach to prepare porous polymer nanotubes by solvent annealing induced dewetting of polymer nanotubes in the AAO nanopores. The discussion of morphology control, wetting and dewetting behaviors, or applications of these four works are also included. This dissertation not only provide novel methods to fabricate anisotropic polymer nanoparticles, but also gives a better understanding of wetting and dewetting of polymers on curved substrates and under confined environments.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070152521
Appears in Collections:Thesis