Title: 含四苯乙基及二芳基乙烯衍生物光致開關高分子之合成及研究
Synthesis and Study of Photo-Switchable Polymer Containing Tetraphenylethylenes and Dithienylethenes Units
Authors: 吳欣諺
Wu, Hsin-Yen
Lin, Hong-Cheu
Keywords: 光致開關分子;四苯基乙烯分子;聚集誘導放光效應;螢光轉移效應;Photoswitchable;Tetraphenylethene fluorophore;aggregation induced emission (AIE);FRET
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本論文設計合成出一新型含光致開關分子結合四苯基乙烯官能基的高分子,同時具有藉由照光控制結構變化,以及利用聚集來增強螢光放光的性質。結構中二芳基乙烯分子利用波長為346 nm的光源照射可以產生閉環反應,可以利用UV/Vis光譜儀來偵測,且同時可以用肉眼觀察得其顏色有明顯的變化。除此之外,此高分子有聚集誘導放光效應,開環態會開啟聚集誘導放光的效應;閉環態時會開啟螢光轉移效應,而使聚集誘導放光消失,利用螢光放光光譜儀可以偵測這些性質。而酸性條件可以使分子的聚集誘導放光增強。此種高分子同時包含了光致變色以及聚集誘導放光的性質,並且可利用不同條件來控制這些性質的開關,未來期許更能利用高分子的優勢發展到元件製程的開發。
We design and synthesize a new type of photo switchable molecular bonding with TPE unit (Tetraphenylethylene group). This novel kind of molecular include properties that can be photo switch and make aggregation induced emission (AIE effect). We find that this two effect that will interact each other in our project. If the ring is in the open state, it can show AIE effect using PL spectrum to check. On the other hand, if the ring is closing, AIE effect will disappear. The reason is that it happens energy transfer from donor (TPE unit) to acceptor (Photochromic unit), and the characteristic peak shift to different wavelength, at the same time, strength of fluorescence more lower than open ring state when aggregating. In conclusion, using different condition can obviously make different phenomenon which is tested in many kinds of instruments. We expect it may be prepared to the device in the future and make it greater application.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070251545
Appears in Collections:Thesis