Title: 日韓數位內容產業政策比較分析
A Comparative Policy Analysis of the Digital Content Industry of Japan and South Korea
Authors: 王鈺婷
Wang, Yu-Ting
Keywords: 日本;韓國;數位內容產業;政策分析模式;創新政策;產業創新需求要素;政策工具;Japan;Korea;Digital Content Industry;Policy Analysis Model;Innovation Policy;Industrial Innovation Requirements;Policy Instruments
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本研究使用政策分析模式為主要架構,以日本和韓國為研究對象,建構跨國數位內容產業政策比較分析模型。首先,以次級資料蒐集各國數位內容政策發展脈絡,歸納整理至Rothwell及Zegveld的創新政策工具。再者,利用專家問卷找出產業發展所需的政策工具。最後,分析比較現有政策與產業所需的政策工具,給予日韓兩國未來數位內容產業發展政策相關建議與方向。 研究結果發現兩國數位內容產業創新政策工具傾向會根據發展目的的不同而有所差別。日本的政策偏向「資訊服務」、「教育與訓練」和「法規與管制」;而韓國的政策偏向「法規與管制」、「教育與訓練」和「財務金融」。另外,利用產業創新需求要素分析模式及產業專家之意見調查,分析歸納出日本在發展數位內容產業應加強的政策有「公共服務」、「公營事業」、「財務金融」、「貿易管制」、「海外機構」;而韓國應加強的政策工具為「租稅服務」、「貿易管制」、「海外機構」等。 由於日本國內數位內容市場已趨飽和且近期經濟疲軟不振,為輔助日本數位內容產業再次成長,建議由日本政府規劃明定海外發展時程,優先提供與加強「貿易管制」、「海外機構」等政策工具,宣揚日本文化、提升國際影響力。韓國的數位內容產業正值快速成長期,建議韓國政府應加強「公營事業」、「貿易管制」、「海外機構」等政策工具,目的為透過政府力量,提高產業合作比率;發展海外市場,讓數位內容產業成為主要經濟動能來源。
This thesis reports on a strategic analysis of the development of digital content industry. Using Rothwell and Zegveld’s model of industrial innovation policy as a starting point, this research compares innovation policy of Japan and Korea. Then, using the expert questionnaire and interview find out the Industrial Innovation Requirements and Policy Tools. Finally, comparing with both types of policy instruments, we have several suggestions for development of Japan’s and Korea’s digital content industry. The results show that national preferences for innovation policy differ from the goal of different countries. Japan prefers to use “Information Services”, “Educations and Training”, and “Laws and Regulations”, whereas Korea prefers to “Laws and Regulations”, “Educations and Training”, and “Financial”. What’s more, evaluating the Industrial Innovation Requirements and Policy Tools leads to a conclusion that the most critical categories of policy instruments. In Japan, there are “Public Service”, “Public Enterprises”, “Financial”, “Trade Controlling”, and “Overseas subsidiaries”. In Korea, there are “Taxation”, “Trade Controlling”, and “Overseas subsidiaries”. The work suggests that Japan’s government proposes overseas roadmap of digital content industry. Furthermore, Japan’s government should put more emphasis on the following policy instruments-“Trade Controlling”, and “Overseas subsidiaries” to improve international cultural force. However, Korea’s government needs to improve industrial cooperation and the economic importance of digital content industry. Therefore, Korea’s government should put more emphasis on the following policy instruments-“Public Enterprises”, “Trade Controlling”, and “Overseas subsidiaries”. More specifically, the corresponding policy instruments in support of developing IIRs are provided in the conclusion of this thesis.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070253509
Appears in Collections:Thesis