标题: 资本主义范式之下的花莲城市空间再生产 —以193线拓宽案为例
The Reproduction of the Urban Space in Hualien City under Capitalism—Road 193 as an Example
作者: 黄芝云
Huang, Zhi-Yun
Liu, Joyce C.H.
关键字: 城市;空间;观光;再生产;资本主义;道路发展;原始积累;底层知识;殖民无意识;urban;space;tourism;reproduction;capitalism;road development;primitive accumulation;subaltern knowledge;colonial unconsciousness
公开日期: 2016
摘要: 本文旨在对资本主义时代营造环境(built environment)的考察,以193线拓宽案为例,探讨道路建设意义的改变,如何由发展初期之民生经济需求,趋近于当代解决资本主义危机之修复手段。193线是一条铭刻了台湾资本主义发展进程的道路,它启发当代的意义在于:道路不再服务于人群沟通,而是服务于资本主义,是这时代道路意义的重大转变。研究分为两个面向,其一是透过对花莲193线拓宽案的考察,探究路政如何作为施政意识形态的载体,反映具破坏力的资本扩张,如何改变空间织理造成民众与政府之间的捍格。我国路政自冷战后美援以来,始终搭配国家经济建设计画实施,故而探讨道路建设其实也正是探询台湾资本主义发展历程。

其二是透过边界思考(border thinking)重探资本主义宏大叙事里的两套历史论述。一则“现代性”,以花莲观光资本主义化、郊区化、缙绅化为主。二则探讨“底层知识”(subaltern knowledge)—当地不全然以资本积累逻辑而驱动的生命史。这两套论述位于当代现代性叙事的两端,各执两套不同的历史诠释,我意欲探究两者之间的折冲权衡。

This essay focuses on Road 193 as an example to illustrate the question of built environments in the age of neoliberal capitalism, especially pinpointing the transformation of the road system from the need of livelihood to the demand of capitalism.

First, I take Road 193 as an archaeological text, inscribed with different stages of economic development. Taiwan’s road system has been involved in the national economical plans; therefore, the study of Taiwan road system through Road 193 is in the meantime to study the route of capitalism in Taiwan. Secondly, I inspect the two discourses under capitalism: one is modernity—the reproduction (suburbanization, gentrification, and consumerism) of Hualien city; the other one is subaltern knowledge—the ethnography bases not on capitalism but cultural customs. In the end I combine these two tasks in order to examine Hualien, as a newly developed capitalist city, that has practiced primitive accumulation of the 19th century through the rationale of capitalized-tourism in the 21th century.

The main purpose and also the conclusion of this essay is to show that if we want to withstand the social injustice, we must distinguish the hegemonic oppression concealed in the unconscious desire of development. By putting the case of Road 193 in the postwar context, this project helps us recognize the misrecognition of modernity introduced by Western concept of developmentalism.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079949511