Title: 雙波長自鎖膜Nd:YAG雷射之研究
Study on Dual-wavelength Self-mode-locked Nd:YAG Lasers
Authors: 彭墐雋
Peng, Chin-Chun
Su, Kuan-Wei
Keywords: 雙波長;雙偏振;正交偏振;應力;dual-wavelength;self-mode-locked;orthogonally polarized;dual- polarization
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本論文在闡述雙波長自鎖模Nd:YAG雷射之相關研究。首先,我們利用特殊鍍膜的輸出鏡,設計一短腔長雙波長自鎖膜Nd:YAG雷射。藉由改變腔內耗損,我們可以在實驗中獲得1064nm和1123nm以及1064和1123nm同時輸出的雙波長鎖膜雷射。在此雙波長鎖膜雷射的操作下,我們可以在單發4.5GHz的鎖膜脈衝中觀察到14.7THz的光拍頻脈衝序列。再者我們利用單晶的Nd:YAG晶體,產生正交偏振自鎖膜雷射,拍頻現象可以在兩正交偏振被量測,我們發現此拍頻現象會隨應力改變呈線性變化,變化範圍從MHz到GHz,最高可達1.48GHz。
The aim of this thesis is focused on the two different method to achieve dual-wavelength self-mode-locked Nd:YAG lasers. First of all, we utilize a specific coated output coupler to realize a dual-wavelength self-mode-locked Nd:YAG laser in a short cavity. In the experiment, the dual wavelength at 1064 and 1123 nm can be stably emitted by modulated the cavity losses. A train of ultrashort pulses with a repetition rate up to 14.7 THz can be observed in a mode-locked pulse owing to the optical beating. In the second experiment, we use the monolithic Nd:YAG lasers to generate two orthogonally polarized mode-locked components. The beat frequency between two orthogonally polarized mode-locked components is observed. It is found that the beat frequency increases linearly with increasing the applied stress. The beating frequency range from MHz to several GHz, highest to 1.48GHz.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070352902
Appears in Collections:Thesis