Title: 以生物電阻抗分析技術進行創傷性腦損傷之腦水腫評估
Evaluation of Brain Edema in Traumatic Brain Injury by Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
Authors: 袁國翰
Yuan, Kuo-Han
Lin, Bor-Shyh
Keywords: 創傷性腦損傷;生物電阻抗分析;血管性水腫;細胞毒性水腫;Traumatic brain injury;Bioelectrical impedance analysis;Vasogenic edema;Cytotoxic edema
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 創傷性腦損傷通常是由外力衝擊所引起。避免創傷性腦損傷後繼發性腦損傷的發生是臨床上主要的治療方式。核磁共振成像和斷層掃描是目前用於監測創傷性腦損傷所引起腦水腫狀態之主要方式。但上述系統需要由專業訓練的醫療人員和相對昂貴的成本,且不適合於長期監測。本研究提出一套多頻率生物電阻抗分析技術的無線監測系統,以非侵入式的量測方式,監測大腦在不同衝擊強度下生物電阻抗的變化。而其生物電阻抗分析技術也已被廣泛的使用於評估細胞或組織的組成成份變化。本研究中,同時監測總血紅蛋白濃度和顱內壓以了解組織的病理以及生理狀態的改變。實驗結果表明,高頻率生物電阻抗具有良好的電流穿透力,更適合用於監測腦水腫的狀態。此外生物電阻抗在腦創傷後會隨著時間逐漸下降,且顱內壓與生物電阻抗的關係會隨不同撞擊程度改變。因此,本研究所提出之多頻率生物電阻抗分析系統是未來評估創傷後腦水腫狀態的一套有效監測系統。
Traumatic brain injury is usually caused by brain shaking or impact. Prevention of secondary brain injury after traumatic brain injury is important in clinical. Several techniques, such as magnetic resonance imaging, and computed tomography, have been used to monitor the state of brain edema caused from Traumatic brain injury. However, the above systems require the experienced operator and relatively expensive cost, and are not suitable for long-term monitoring. In this study, a wireless multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis system was designed to monitor the bio-impedance change of the brain under different impact strengths. The technique of multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis could be used to assess the composition of the biological tissues non-invasively. The parameters, total-hemoglobin concentration and intracranial pressure, were monitored to investigate the change of physiological state under Traumatic brain injury. The experimental results showed that higher frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis might provide better penetrability to monitor the state of brain edema. Moreover, the tendencies of bioelectrical impedance analysis under different impact strengths decreased with time, and the change of bioelectrical impedance analysis might be related to the change of intracranial pressure. Therefore, the technique of multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis might be a useful tool for evaluating the state of brain edema in the future.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070358025
Appears in Collections:Thesis