Title: 以1550奈米類噪脈衝雷射產生的超連續光譜與1060奈米的濾波
Generation of supercontinuum by noise-like pulse laser at 1550 nm and filtering of 1060 nm
Authors: 洪富翔
Hung, Fu-Xiang
Liu, Jia-Ming
Keywords: 超連續光譜;類噪脈衝;類雜訊脈衝;1550奈米;1060奈米;supercontinuum;noise-like pulse;1550 nm;1060 nm
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本實驗以波長1550 nm 的類噪脈衝雷射(Noise-like pulse, NLP)泵浦一段1 m 長的高非線性光纖(Highly nonlinear fiber, HNLF),產生了一個20 dB 帶寬約1248 nm 的超連續光譜(Supercontinuum, SC),涵蓋範圍從1018至2266 nm,且平均輸出功率高達4.3 W。泵浦的類噪脈衝雷射的重複率是15.5 MHz,並由前級放大器(Pre-amplifier)與助推器(Booster)放大至5.3 W。接著,我們以光學濾鏡從超連續光譜中濾出大約1060 nm 的部分,並用摻鐿光纖放大器(Ytterbium-doped fiber amplifier, YDFA)將其放大至最多4.8 W 的平均功率。
We report the generation of supercontinuum (SC) by noise-like pulse (NLP) at 1550 nm propagating through a piece of 1-meter highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF). The 20-dB bandwidth of SC is about 1248 nm, from1018 to 2266 nm. The average power of the SC is as high as 4.3 W. The NLP laser at 15.5 MHz repetition rate is amplified to 5.3 W average power. Further, we filter out the spectral component around the 1060 nm wavelength from the SC by optical filters and amplify it up to 4.8 W by a ytterbium-doped fiber amplifier (YDFA).
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070358022
Appears in Collections:Thesis