Title: 外勞人力仲介公司經營策略分析-以科技產業為例
The Analysis of the Busienss Strategies for Foreign Human Labor Agencies in the Technology Industry
Authors: 梁盛彰
Chen, An-Pin
Kao, Kuo-Yang
Keywords: 外勞人力仲介;關鍵成功因素;經營策略;Foreign Human Labor Agency;Key Success Factors;SWOT;Business Strategies
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 外勞人力資源在台灣勞動人口結構變遷過程中已成為台灣未來發展的重要環節之ㄧ,外勞人力仲介業者也該思考在不同產業耕耘時所需具備的關鍵成功因素,並以其訂定不同的經營策略來因應產業需求。 據此本研究透過文獻回顧,運用SWOT和關鍵成功因素等理論,來探索外勞人力仲介公司在科技產業發展時之關鍵成功因素,並利用多變量分析發展出本研究之架構,再以專家問卷歸納關鍵成功因素之重要性排序。 根據研究結果,本研究結果發現最重要的關鍵成功因素為「勞動力供需失衡」、「資訊管理系統」、「作業標準化認證」、「同業低價競爭」、「產業景氣波動」以及「專業組織規劃」。最後依據上述分析結果,本研究進一步提出相關建議。
Foreign human resources play an important role in the transformation of Taiwan labor structure in future. Foreign human labor agencies should consider the key success factors that different industries require and relevant business strategies to cope with the needs of target customers. Therefore, this study based on literature review used SWOT and key success factors theories to explore the KSFs of buseness strategies when the human labor agencies develop in the technology industry. Next, I use multi-variables analysis to establish the research framework and apply expert questionnaire to conclude the KSFs and its priority of importance. According to the analyses, the results of this study indicate that the most important six KSFs in order are “the imbalance of labor supply and demand”, “information management system”, “the standardization and certification of recruitment”, “rival price competition”, “industry boom fluctuation” and “professional organizations planning”. Finally, based on the above analysis, this study further provides relevant recommendations.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079962523
Appears in Collections:Thesis