Title: 臺灣網通業發展物聯網策略與技術地圖研究
IOT Development Strategy and Technology Roadmap of Taiwan Internet Devices Industry
Authors: 黃心怡
Yang, Chyan
Keywords: 物聯網;五力分析;SWOT分析;技術地圖;台灣網通業;IoT;Internet of Things;Five force analysis;SWOT analysis;Taiwan Internet Devices Industry
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 物聯網自提出後在商機上,中國十二五計畫提出物聯網九大方向,世界各國亦就物聯網提出國家級規劃。然產品面大多仍停留概念階段,隨相關技術及產品發展概念日趨具備可行性,產業界研發進程直至2014年穿戴式裝置提出後,建置最後一哩使得物聯網的廣泛普及性確立。網際網路智慧聯網設備為物聯網發展基礎,然於近期物聯網產業鏈及價值鏈中鮮少專著討論之文獻。台灣網通設備廠向為全球網路通訊設備提供要角,近年面臨雖國際競爭者加入,處於調整期中,身為物聯網基礎設備提供不可或缺之一員,台灣網通業未來方向應如何思考、各廠商對於物聯網之看法及公司態度為何,本研究以個案研究方法,透過收集物聯網發展至2014年各方面進度與展望、台灣網通業現況觀察、以五力分析及SWOT分析列述台灣網通業未來發展物聯網優劣勢,並試綜合資料後提出產品技術地圖草案,期提供台灣網通業擬發展物聯網產品時,思考整合之方向。
After the concept of things being proposed , in 2009, China proposed 12th Five-Year Plan direction which included IoT application in nine fields which provide huge business opportunities with actively planning and development. Since wearable devices were presented in CES 2014, the last miles of IoT have been made and which means the key technologies for IoT have become more and more feasible. Intelligent networking equipment is a very important element for Internet of Things. Suppliers in Taiwan are key players for the global Internet communications equipment for years. This study uses visiting specialists in this industry and survey . By using five forces analysis and SWOT analysis, we try to provide a draft of technology roadmap for internet device supplies.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079862515
Appears in Collections:Thesis