Title: CEO薪酬比例對公司投資決策之影響
How Does CEO Pay Slice Affect Firm Investment?
Authors: 林潔宜
Lin, Jie-Yi
Yeh, Yin-Hua
Keywords: 相對薪酬;代理問題;投資現金流敏感度;投資股價敏感度;反併購機制;CEO Pay Slice;Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity;Investment-Q Sensitivity
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本文主要延續Bebchuk, Cremers and Peyer (2011),其以CEO薪酬相對於其他高階經理人薪酬:CEO pay slice (CPS),作為觀察CEO相對權力大小指標,探究CEO與其他經理人之相對報酬對公司價值或是併購決策的影響,爾後以該指標為中心,連結至其他領域之相關文獻雖不虞匱乏,但尚無CPS指標對公司投資或是融資決策影響之討論,本文即著眼於此,並且將經理人總薪酬進一步拆解細分,使該指標能有更詳盡的解釋意義。 以2006年至2013年作為研究期間,美國上市公司高階經理人總薪酬組成為討論樣本,我們發現CPS和公司投資現金流敏感度呈顯著正向關係,CPS愈高經理人代理問題愈嚴重,則愈有過度投資傾向;CPS和公司投資股價敏感度呈顯著負向關係,CPS愈高經理人代理問題愈嚴重,則愈不願意學習公開市場所釋出的資訊。 CPS做為CEO權力衡量指標已獲證實,我們接著引入反併購機制的討論,反併購機制賦予CEO更絕對的決策權限,我們也的確發現CPS對於公司投資、融資行為之間的影響,在公司擁有反併購機制的情況下更為明顯。
Referring to Bebchuk, Cremers and Peyer (2011), we use chief executive officer (CEO) pay slice (CPS) as a measure of CEO power in firms and explore how CPS affects a firm’s investment decisions. We use data regarding executive compensation at 11,328 U.S.-listed firms during a sampling period of 2006–2013 and determine that CPS increases the investment-cash flow sensitivity and attenuates the investment-Tobin’s q sensitivity. Our findings imply that CEOs with higher power are more inclined to overinvest and more reluctant to learn from the market compared with other CEOs. Finally, the impact of such CEOs on a firm’s investment decisions is more salient in firms with severe agency problems (high managerial entrenchment) and information asymmetry (high Kaplan–Zingales [KZ] index and low cash dividends).
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070253912
Appears in Collections:Thesis