Title: PEDOT:PSS梯度線電阻改善多環液晶透鏡成像品質
Conductance gradient PEDOT:PSS lines improving the image quality of multi-ring LC lens
Authors: 向恩霖
Hsiang, En-Lin
Chen, Huang-Ming Philip
Keywords: 液晶透鏡;多環電極;梯度線電阻;liquid crystal lens;multi-ring electrodes;Conductance gradient PEDOT:PSS lines
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本實驗提出一個簡單的方法來製作具有多環電極之液晶透鏡,其最主要技術重點為利用氣溶膠噴墨系統在環狀ITO電極上噴塗一條PEDOT: PSS細導線,當電壓驅動時,電位在PEDOT: PSS導線上連續衰減,綜觀來看,便形成一個圓對稱且平滑的梯度電場,當注入液晶時便形成梯度折射率分布,可藉由電壓來調變折射率分布的梯度斜率,進而改變焦距。 為了更進一步提升此型液晶透鏡的聚焦能力,本實驗進一步提出使用氣溶膠噴墨系統噴塗堆疊的PEDOT: PSS細線,藉由改變不同區段的材料厚度,以達到不同區段的電阻值變化,進一步導致分壓改變,最終達到改善液晶盒內的電場分布,可使液晶透鏡的相位變化分佈趨近理想,同時也可以獲得更好的聚焦品質。根據實驗結果,本實驗室所做出的改善,在堆疊PEDOT: PSS導線後,聚焦點的能量將可提高35%。
This thesis presented a simple fabrication process to achieve a multi-ring electrodes liquid crystal lens. A very thin PEDOT: PSS line can be precise deposited on concentric ITO electrodes by aerosol jet printing system. The voltage can be continuously decayed via PEDOT: PSS line when applied voltage. A symmetrical and smooth gradient electric field is formed eventually. The focal length can be altered by changing the applied voltage. For more specific, the variety of resistance distribution of PEDOT:PSS line were studied when printed with different layers on concentric ITO electrodes. The gradient voltage change is able to be achieved to improve the electric field distribution in the LC cell. As a result, the phase retardations profile can be prepared as close as possible to the ideal lens’ phase retardations profile which is greatly improving the focusing quality. According to the final result, the 35% intensity improvement has been achieved at the focal point with new design.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070350523
Appears in Collections:Thesis