Title: 替代性電漿子材料製程與利用混合型光子晶體設計之可調控的Tamm電漿子共振
Fabrication of Alternative Plasmonic Materials and Design of Tunable Tamm Plasmon by Hybrid Photonic Crystals
Authors: 孫茂國
Sun, Mao-Guo
Chen, Kuo-Ping
Keywords: 奈米光學;光學Tamm模態;奈米球;氮化鈦;Nanophotonics;Optical Tamm state;Nanosphere;Titanium nitride
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 光學Tamm模態是一種電漿共振發生在光子晶體表面與金屬薄膜之間的一種侷域的表面模態。在常見的光學Tamm模態結構中通常會使用布拉格反射器(DBR)做為Tamm模態中的光子晶體,藉由改變DBR上層薄膜的厚度或是製作DBR孔洞陣列,可以用來調控模態的共振波長。但是這類樣品在製作完之後,很難藉由控制薄膜的品質或是調整DBR的厚度去作調控共振波長。在這篇論文中,我們利用奈米球堆疊而成的三維光子晶體取代DBR,並加上間隔層與金屬層來激發光學Tamm模態,這種架構稱為混合型光子晶體。混合型光子晶體可以藉由改變外在環境來輕易調控Tamm模態的共振波長。本論文另一部分的研究是針對氮化鈦來開發可應用在可見光與紅外光波段的新穎電漿子材料,使用多靶磁控共濺鍍系統與高功率脈衝磁控濺鍍技術製造符合電漿子特性之氮化鈦薄膜,並嘗試用氮化鈦薄膜替代Tamm模態架構中之金屬薄膜來觀察其Tamm電漿子共振。
Optical Tamm state is a localized surface mode that plamonic resonance occurred at the boundary between a photonic crystal and metal. Conventional optical Tamm states have been used distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) as the photonic crystal. By varying the thickness of the top layer of DBR or making DBR porous, it could possibly tune the resonant wavelengths. However, it is very difficult to control the quality or modify the thickness of DBR after a sample is fabricated. In this thesis, we choose 3D photonic crystal fabricated by nanosphere to replace DBR to excite optical Tamm state. This structure is called "Hybrid Photonic Crystal ". Hybird photonic crystal can easily tune the resonant wavelengths of Tamm state by changing the environment. In the second part of this thesis, we report the titanium nitride (TiN) as an alternative plasmonic material in visible and near-infrared region. The multi-target magnetron co-sputter system with combined high power impulse magnetron sputtering (HIPIMS) is used to fabricate TiN thin film. The optimization processing condition as well as optical characterization of TiN is introduced. We also replace the metal in optical Tamm state structure by TiN thin film to observe the Tamm plasmon resonance.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070358225
Appears in Collections:Thesis