Title: 喪父母成人持續性連結經驗歷程
Bereaved adults' continuing bonds with their parents
Authors: 陳瑩穎
Chen, Ying-Ying
Li, Ming-Chin
Keywords: 喪父母成人;持續性連結經驗;bereaved adults;continuing bonds
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本研究目的為了解喪父母成人與父母生前關係如何影響其與父母離世後的持續性連結經驗、於失喪過程中所經歷之持續性連結經驗,及持續性連結經驗對其悲傷調適的影響。本研究從詮釋現象學角度,以開放的態度理解喪父母成人喪親經驗,並邀請三位中年喪父母者進行半結構訪談。本研究共蒐集六份訪談文本資料,並使用主題分析法於文本的「部分-整體」間來回省思後,呈現「與父母生前關係的影響」、「與離世父母的持續連結」、「持續連結後的層層波瀾」等三個主題,描繪三位喪父母成人豐富的喪親樣貌。   針對上述三個主題加以探討後,本研究得出以下結論:一、喪父母成人與父母生前關係加重其於父母離世後失落調適的困難。二、將喪父母成人的持續性連結經驗區分為「外化抗議」、「虛化凝滯」、「內化永存」狀態,且喪父母成人可能於三種狀態間擺盪。三、可透過依附行為系統理解三種持續性連結經驗狀態對喪父母成人失落調適的多樣影響。四、華人文化脈絡形塑喪父母成人持續性連結經驗。而本研究亦依據以上結論,提供喪父母成人、助人工作者,及未來研究相關建議。
The purpose of this study explores how the relationship between bereaved adults and their parents affect their continuing bonds after their parents' death, experiences of continuing bonds in the process of loss, and continuing bonds in adjustment to bereavement. The researcher uses hermeneutic phenomenology as this research methodology, using an open attitude to understand the bereavement experiences of adult bereaved. Six copies of text are gathered from semi-structured in-depth interviews conducted in three bereaved adults. In this study, the researcher uses thematic analysis to delve into the "part - whole" of the paper, the following three themes were proposed to depicting bereaved adults' bereavement. First. Effect of the relationship between bereaved adults and their parents after their parents' death. Second. Continuing bonds of bereaved adults with their parents after their parents' death. Third. The influence after continuing bonds. The results of data analysis are as follows: First. The relationship between bereaved adults and their parents increased their difficulties in adjustment to bereavement after their parents' death. Second. The experiences of continuing bonds were divided into " externalization," "stagnation," and "internalization", and bereaved adults may swing between the three states. Third. Through the attachment behavior system, understanding the three kinds of continuing bonds' experiences of bereaved adults is helpful to adjust the diverse impact of loss. Fourth. Bereaved adults' continuing bonds with their parents shaped by chinese cultural context. Based on the above findings, the study also provides recommendations for bereaved adults, helpers, and future research.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070259611
Appears in Collections:Thesis